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Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.


I watched as Maggie ran towards her car and drove off. I furrowed my eyebrows and started to make my way to my car as well. I'm confused as to why she said things would get worse if people knew I embarrassed Ms. Avercill for her, and when I'm confused, I don't stop prying until I get an answer.

There's something that's putting me on edge here and I want to figure out what it is. What exactly are the people here saying about her?

The people in my other schools said rude things about that one girl getting pregnant, but it wasn't as bad as some of the things I've heard about Maggie.

People have been saying that she never cared about her future, but the way she was taking notes after notes during class said otherwise.

My phone ring tone cut off my thoughts and I sighed as I answered the call in a deep voice without even looking at the caller ID.

"Joe's Cryogenics. You kill 'em we chill 'em!" I nudged my phone between my head and shoulder as I started driving out of the parking lot.

"Thank God you answered. Listen, I got two boddies hidden under the bridge at Carter street, and my mother-in-law is stuffed inside the trunk of a beaten down nineteen secenty-five ford mustang convertible. I'll leave the money behind a dumpster in an alley way, got it?"

I widened my eyes. "Woah, chill mum. What did grams ever do to you?" I asked.

"That's not important. Anyways, I was just calling to let you know that I'll be out shopping while your dad is gonna be working for at least two more hours. You can have friends over, just make sure it's less than twenty people. Oh, and if they have drugs-"

"I know mum, kick them out." I interrupted. She snorted and I could imagine her crossing her arms.

  "I was gonna say make sure you roll the joint correctly but then again, I don't really want my couches to smell. So never mind, no drugs." She joked. A smile danced on my lips while I shook my head.

"Got it mum. Have fun." She ended the call and I made the rest of the way towards my house. If I'm correct, there's a very comfortable bed in my room waiting to be put to use.


My leg bounced up and down as I watched the pediatrician check Graham's heartbeat.

When I got home, Sarah was doing what I told her and Graham's face was pale as he cried. I called Dr. Robertson immediately and strapped Graham in the back of my car before driving straight to the clinic.

"Hmm." I quirked an eyebrow as he wrote down on his clipboard. Is it just me or is he holding back the answer just to piss me off?

"Rapid heartbeat." He said quietly as he wrote. Rapid heartbeat... I started twiddling my thumbs and doing my inhale exhale exercise to calm down.

"Pale skin and ragged breathing." Please tell me my baby isn't going to die. I tried to see what Sarah would say if I told her that.

No! Don't think like that Mags. Chill. That sounds like her.

"Yeah, I thought it was that." He mumbled to himself. That's it.

"Is my baby okay or not?" I snapped. I squinted my eyes when Dr. Robertson looked at me in shock.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. It's just that I've never seen Graham like this and honestly it scares me." I said. He chuckled and and sat down on his swivel chair.

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