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We'll hate what we've lost but we'll love what we find.
- Featherstone; The Paper Kites.


The three days that I had to stay in the hospital after waking up were absolute torture. I wasn't on suicidal watch, but Dr. Henceforth had to close up the holes he cut in my skin to stick those tubes through; which absolutely hurt as he stitched them up. The first two days I spent doing the homework that I had to complete for Monday and Tuesday, but besides that nothing else. Dad would come during his lunch break give me a hamburger he snook in since the hospital food here is terrible. After we both ate we would talk about random things until he had to leave again. He came today but it's already been three hours and this day couldn't end faster. To top it all off Graham dropped my phone in the mini sink I have, destroying it completely. I was a little disappointed that I lost the photos inside of Graham, Sarah and I, but Luke's friend Miranda managed to save them, which I am internally grateful for.

I would be allowed to go home around midnight, at least that's what Dr. Henceforth had told me. Thankfully I had all those cards that Luke had made me. Yesterday Sarah had burst out laughing after I thanked her for them, and after seeing my confused face she told me it was all Luke. I carefully stood up from the bed and took a few down before sitting back down, looking at the first one.

Open when you're bored.

I lifted the flap and pulled out whatever was inside, which happened to be a letter.

Alright, I was sort of hoping you didn't pick this one because to be honest I'm a pretty boring person and I had no idea what to write, but then it struck me. I am going to give you three simple steps to end your boredom.

One- Make sure the door is closed.

I looked up from the letter and looked at the closed door before reading the next step.

Two- Grab the box from under the bed and open it.

Box? I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly got off the bed, getting on my knees to look under it. Right there was a gray shoe box. I reached for it and pulled it out, taking it with me back to the bed and opening it. There were a lot of things inside; candy, tissues, a rubix cube, a pair of earphones, and a tablet.

Three- The tablet has Netflix on it. It's already logged in and all you have to do is watch whatever you want. There are even some addicting games on it so beware. Don't say I didn't warn you. P.S- The tissues are there in case you watch a sad movie.

I let out a laugh and put the box away, leaving out the tablet. Maybe this isn't so bad.

  "I have never been happier in my life to see my bed." I stated as Sarah and I walked in my room. Finally midnight reached, and I was released. "You've been on a bed for three days and you're still tired?" Sarah asked. I laughed and laid down carefully since I had to make sure the stitches didn't open.

  "Those beds are uncomfortable though. No padding whatsoever." I let out a groan as my head it the pillow. Oh how I missed my pillow.

"Dang, trapped in a building with nothing to do. That must've sucked." Sarah gave me a sympathetic look and I laughed. "No actually. Thanks to Luke I stepped up my binge watching on Netflix." Sarah gasped and soon let out a grin. "See those are goals right there. If him giving you his Netflix account doesn't say anything then I don't what will."

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