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Oh yes. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.
-Rafiki; The Lion King.


I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling, contemplating whether or not I should ask Sarah again how Maggie is doing. It was already half past six in the morning and I still haven't heard anything. Two seconds later I couldn't resist anymore. I grabbed my phone and started texting Maggie's number, knowing that Sarah had her phone.

Any news yet?

As I waited for an answer I headed downstairs. I decided to make myself some coffee so I headed to the kitchen. I hate that stuff but I need to stay awake somehow. There is no bloody way that I'm going to sleep while Maggie is in the hospital. My parents tried to get me to at least rest for an hour or so, but I immediately declined. They know Maggie is in the hospital, but they don't know the reason, and to be honest neither do I. Yes, I was told that she was found unconscious in her bathtub and wasn't breathing, but I refuse to think it was a suicidal case. I only know few things about Maggie, but I do know that this definitely doesn't seem like something she would do.

My phone buzzed on the counter top, dragging me out of my thoughts.

Maggie Mouse: for Christ's sake, you asked me the same exact thing five minutes ago. Luke please get some sleep. I promise to let you know when I hear something. Visiting hours haven't started yet but when they do I'll give you an address so you can see her. ONLY if you get rest though. Don't stress yourself.

I sighed and started typing.

Fine. I haven't asked how you're doing though. Are you okay? Do you need anything?

Right when I hit send a voice filled the kitchen. "I thought you found coffee disgusting." I looked up to see my dad and gave him a tired smile as he walked towards the fridge and pulled out orange juice. "I do, but I needed something to keep me awake until I hear at least something good." I explained. He looked up from the cup he was filling and sighed. "You haven't heard anything yet?" I frowned and looked down at the counter top as the coffee machine was brewing in the background. "I'll be able to see her when visiting hours start." I replied.

"Isn't that good news so far? You'll be able to see her." I looked up at my dad and shrugged. "I know. But I won't be able to see her green eyes, or hear that cheerful laugh of hers that seems so rare because it only comes once in awhile. I won't be able to see the smile she lets out even though she's hurting inside, because she believes that just because she's upset that it isn't a reason everyone else shouldn't be happy. I'll be able to see her in a state where her personality that only idiots wouldn't love is silent. Dad, w-what if she doesn't wake up?" My voice was pleading for an answer I wanted to hear. As long as it was something besides the line 'I don't know yet' I would be fine.

As is reading my mind my dad spoke up, but he gave me words I wasn't expecting. "Sit down for a second." He gestured towards one of the stools and I obliged, waiting until he did the same. Once he was sitting across from me he crossed his arms on the counter top. "You're here, asking what if, and that isn't going to help you cope. She is tired and she's giving everything she's got to try to wake up. Hearing those types of questions won't give her strength, they'll just give her doubt. For now, all you can do is stay by her side and be positive. Give her a reason to wake up sooner than later." He patted my hand twice before standing up and leaving with his glass of orange juice. Just then my phone buzzed again and I unlocked my phone immediately.

Maggie Mouse: I'm good, thanks. I'll be seeing you at the hospital later.

Before I could answer the coffee machine beeped, signaling that it's rancid tasting liquid has completed brewing. I poured myself some in a mug and set it on the counter top, rethinking about drinking it. I'm not that tired anymore....

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