5*.Questions, curiosity and Complicated systems

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Present time.
Valentini Headquarters, Milan.


Axel cringed as another loud scream echoed in the dead silent headquarters. It had been more than two hours since the screaming had begun and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. Yet, Axel stood silently outside the basement door, performing his guard duty.

He was still pondering on Carlos words of caution to him about holding his tongue lest anyone take offence to what he said. He had no means to protect himself yet, he was at the bottom of the ladder so he knew that Carlos warning had been for his own benefit.

If Axel was being honest to himself, he had to admit that he was still in a shocked state because of the presence of "the Don Valerio Valentini" in the headquarters. He had never expected that he would almost come face to face with such a powerful and influential being within two months of joining the organization.

Despite how ignorant Carlos assumed Axel to be, he wasn't. He had off course known who and how dangerous Valerio Valentini was, he had never seen his picture before though and therefore had been surprised to see that the man was only a few years older than himself and yet he commanded such a high level of authority and fear amongst all.

Another surprise had been his appearance in the Milan headquarters. As far as he was told , the boss never visited these headquarters. This region was under his brother's control so he did not frequent this place much.

He sighed as another bloodcurdling scream tore through the building before everything went silent.Minutes later the silence was broken by the door opening and the sound of footsteps approaching. Somewhere at the back, Axel could also hear faint moaning sounds.

Axel bowed his head in submission as he heard footsteps approaching, and only once did the group pass that he raised his head and saw that it was the boss who had walked out followed by Paulo and Antonio. Finally Carlos emerged with a hard expression on his face. Axel had to admit, in the two months that he had worked under the man he had never seen him smile. Ever.

He nodded at Axel and motioned him to walk with him.

"Have you double checked the security arrangements? The boss is going to spend the night in the headquarters today. There should be no problems with any security measure" ,he said.

Axel internally rolled his eyes. There were more than a hundred trained men scattered in this base of the Valentini crime organization, and it was not even a major one. How more secure could things be?

"Yes sir. Everything has been taken care of ", he replied back respectfully.

"It's good you are learning everything, boy. I know your talent lies mainly in the computer and technical department but you need to learn weapon handling as well, otherwise you'll become a shooting dummy for our enemies to practise on", he finished, smirking coldly at the end part of his speech.

"Of course, I would just love to become a practice board sir", he said sarcastically, not bothering to hide his scowl at the older man's almost gleeful look at the prospect of him becoming dead mince.

"So Carlos....", he began.

"Who is Amara? " ,this question had been burning inside him since he had heard that man who was getting his life beaten out of him scream out the name before.

Carlos stopped walking and quickly turned looking around in panic to see if anyone had heard his question.

"Where did you hear that name?", he asked angrily.

"Uhh...that guy screamd it earlier, remember?! So.... who is Amara?"

"Don't say her name", Carlos whisper yelled at him.

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