40. The Beginning Of An End

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Dedicated to Lia_Turner and roseveron27 were being so supportive and totally awesome in general!!! Thank you so much guys! Your understanding and patience mean the world to me ❤️❤️❤️

Not edited, please ignore any discrepancies in the chapter, I'll correct them later on.


"Sir, we've scouted the area for miles, there is no sign of Ms. Amara anywhere around here",one of the Romero guards who had accompanied them on their journey reported.

"No sign of Matteo either", another guard reported, "Traditore",he spat hatefully.

Pietro's eyes darkened. "Were you able to get in contact with anyone at the Sullivan headquarters?"

The first guard shook his head. "We're not able to get in touch with anyone at either the Sullivan or the Romero headquarters. It's almost like all the lines have been blocked intentionally"

"Keep trying", Pietro replied sharply.

The guard bowed before quickly leaving the small shack that the Romero and Sullivan guards had currently made their base, taking shelter from the snow storm that raged outside, as they put all their efforts in trying to locate the girl whose security they had been entrusted with.

"Send one of our men to the Callaghan safehouse, it's the nearest to us at the moment", he commanded his junior, while walking out in the open. "Tell him to report what has happened to the security chief there. We need more men to widen our search"

"Yes sir", came the prompt reply.

Pietro stepped out of the shack and in the raging snow, his jaw set, eyes alert as it spanned the area that was covered with white for miles.

He walked a little further away from the small shack and only when he was sure that none of his men were watching him, did he allow himself to crumble with worry. Worry for the girl whom he had failed to protect yet again!

He sank down on his knees, removing Amara's knitted hat from his coat pocket, clutching it tightly in his fist.

"Where are you princess?", he murmured, fear, agitation, rage and a hundred other emotions concealed in his one simple question. "Where are you?!"

It had been an hour since Amara's disappearance and yet to Pietro it felt like a lifetime had passed. He had never felt so helpless in his entire life as he felt now.

Amara had disappeared and he had been unable to do anything. She had been taken away right under his nose and he had failed to prevent it from happening.

Even now, an hour later he was no closer to finding any clue to where she was than he was at the beginning of his search.

The snow storm that raged around him was successful in paralyzing almost any efforts that they made. There was no way of contacting the Sullivan Estate. All signals were lost and when they did get weak signals, the lines seemed to have been blocked.

He realized that by now the Sullivan men would know that something had gone wrong with their party, for Amara was supposed to have reached back home from school hours ago.

They would look into it and realize that Amara never made it to school, instead, Pietro had broken all the rules by bringing her out of the city and away from the Sullivan protection. The security would be deployed from the headquarters and they would successfully track them here but it would still take a few hours.

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