15. The Aftermath

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"We are about to land at the New York airport in a few minutes Don",Tony, the Romero family's consigliere informed Bernard who was sitting still as a statue staring out of the window.

Bernard gave no visible acknowledgment of having heard the news, prompting Tony to retract his steps back to his own seat, knowing that Don Romero would slay him alive  if he continued to disturb him.

From the hard expression on his face, his clenched jaw and fists, darkened eyes and stiff posture, anyone could guess how livid Don Romero was presently!

Bernard ignored the tip toeing of his employees around him. His mind driven by only a single desperate need -to reach his granddaughter as quickly as he possibly could.

He would never forget the sheer panic and rage he had felt in the moment when the news of Amara's kidnapping had reached his ears in Italy. Soon after, he had ordered his forces to be assembled and had left the country with them in tow, his mind driven by only a single thought and that was to get his precious granddaughter back home safely.

He had sworn to kill all those who stood in his way, no matter who they were. No one would be safe from his wrath if anything happened to Amara.

"Only a few more minutes", he thought to himself as he felt the plane making its descent.

As soon as the aircraft stopped Bernard was standing up, ready to rush through the front doors which were being opened by the flight attendants, all of whom bowed to him as he walked towards the exit and in the open.

As soon as he stepped outside his eyes fell on the Sullivan guards who were waiting at a distance to receive him. He made his way to them followed by Tony and the Romero guards who were quickly exiting the plane.

One of the men from the Irish group stepped forward, bowing in respect to him. "Welcome to New York, Don Romero. It's my honour to receive you",he greeted.

Bernard raised his hand silencing any other words that the man was about to say. "What news do you have about my granddaughter?",he asked  authoritatively.

The Sullivan guard stiffened before he grudgingly replied,"The rescue operation was a success sir. All the culprits were caught. The ones who have been caught alive are being held at the Sullivan estate."

"What about Amara? Is she well?", Don Romero asked sharply.

The man before him tensed further, his jaw clenching,"Ms. Amara was found in an unconsciousc state sir. She is being treated at the Sullivan hospital as we speak."


Bernard stood in the hospital room gazing down at Amara with pained eyes. His hands clenched tightly in fury when his eyes fell on her reddened cheek where a distinct handprint mark could be seen. He wanted to kill the man brutally and painfully who had dared to raise a hand on his grandchild.

He slowly walked towards her bed and kneeled down next to it.With painful delicacy, as if he was handling something easily breakable, he took her hand in his, "Hey princess, open your eyes.... look nonno is here ", he said softly. His throat tightened with emotion when Amara didn't even twitch. Never before had she not answered his call.

His hand hovered over her abused cheek but didn't dare touch it, "I swear to you that I'll make the one's responsible for hurting you pay with their lives princess. I promise you". He said, his each word laced with a dark promise of suffering and pain.

"The Doctor says that she was overdosed with a drug to keep her unconscious, they have already treated her with medicines necessary to counter the effects that the drugs had on her ", Pietro informed him. "She's going to be alright Don, she is being treated by the best doctors in the country."

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