31*. Hunted

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Dedicated xXxxRoxyxXxx and
Sdevlin for being simply incredible! Both of you have shown unfaltering support and love to this story and it is very much appreciated! ❤❤❤

This chapter is not edited! Please excuse any grammatical errors.

Present time.
Unknown Location.

There is a young man kneeling in the dirt, veins visible through skin, hands bloody and stained with soil.

A shadow fell over him, blocking his view and the young man looked up, fear now visible on his face as he realised who exactly he was dealing with.

"I don't know where he is", the young man pleaded.

Carlos resisted rolling his. He had gone through this with him already.

He stepped forward and grabbed the younger man's collar, yanking him up roughly.

"I. Want. Rex." he enunciated each word darkly.

The younger man paled. "I-I d-dont -", he stuttered.

Carlos did roll his eyes at the insufferable stuttering.

"You do know who I work for, don't you?", he asked rhetorically. "He is half my age and he has killed twice as many as I have", he continued, stating it so matter of factly as if discussing about the mundane weather conditions.

All colour left the young man's face, his eyeballs rolling in their sockets from the sheer fear Carlos' words induced in him. He was beyond terrified by the merest mention of the Valentini Don.

Carlos grinned, shark like.

"You know what he does to people who withhold important information from him?", he questioned, before dipping his head down and whispering darkly in the younger man's ear, "He doesn't kill them, not even when they beg him to. The rest....you wouldn't believe me even if I do tell you."

"Břimsk Alley", the other man whispered faintly. "You'll... find.... him there."

Carlos nodded, grimacing at the pungent smell that suddenly permeated the atmosphere, glaring in disbelief at the younger man.

"Wimp", he spat, hitting the kneeling man on his temple with his handgun and knocking him out cold.


The sound of voices filled the open area as Carlos leaned back against the wall, looking around at the still bustling scene, as he puffed on his cigarette.

His eyes were keen as he took in the locals, most of them coming from less than savoury backgrounds. Each man was connected in some way to the world of underground crime, to even have stepped a single foot on this street.

A day.

Carlos had already wasted a day from the stipulated seven days that had been granted to him by the Don and from the way things seemed to be going, it seemed he was about to waste another day without getting his job done.

He tipped his hat distractedly to a passerby who tossed a single coin in his cup.

He continued to look around and just as he was about to change his search location, he saw a man walk down the street, a hood over his head.

Carlos pushed to his feet at once , wiping his hands on the worn out clothes that he had donned to act his part of a homeless thug before discreetly following the man down the alley.

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