13. Bring her back

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Callahan Organization Event , Chicago.

Patricia was lounging in the party hall of the Callahan hotel with the other women. It was just after lunch time and the women were relaxing listening to music and talking with each other while the men once again engaged themselves in their business talks.

She was quite relieved that the next day would be the last one of the event after which they would return back to Newyork . The past three days had been really hectic for her with all the mingling and meetings that she had done with the women of her husband's allied families.

She really missed the warmth of her own home and couldn't wait to return. As one of the most important partners of the Callahan Organization, the Sullivan family was obligated to remain till the entirety of the event, otherwise she was sure that Sean would've left the city right after the first meeting. She knew how eager he was to see Amara. He had already been in Chicago when Amara had arrived and even now he hadn't got a chance to speak with her.

Patricia also did not think that she could handle the stressful atmosphere any longer after what had happened the day before with the O'Reilly family.

She scowled as she thought about them. After so many years, the Sullivan and O'Reilly alliance had finally crumbled.

Personally, Patricia had thought that Sean would break it off the day Aiden O'Reilly had undertaken the role of the head of his family after his father's demise two years ago but it seemed his friendship with the ex O'Reilly boss had made him a little hesitant towards breaking off all ties with them straight away.

But Patricia couldn't have been more happy with the decision, Aiden O'Reilly in her opinion was a greedy, power hungry and backstabbing man who would not hesitate to set his own family on fire if it meant that he would receive an ounce more of power. The alliance had been rocky since the past few years and now it had finally come to an end.

What had surprised Patricia was the reason behind it. She would never have guessed that the Romero's would be the catalyst behind ending the business relationships between their family and the O'Reilly Organization.

She had been quite shocked when Sean had informed her the news yesterday night.

She knew that the O'Reilly's were not happy with her family's new closeness with the Romero's, even though none of them had dared to bring it up until now.

Sean had explained to her how Aiden had brought up the topic of their generations old nemesis with the Romero's even after explicit warnings and implied that their alliance with the Romero's had been a foolish move on the Sullivan's part.

Not only that but he had blatantly declared that unlike them he would continue with the legacy of enimity and would not let a foolish little girl influence his organization's decision.

That had been the last straw for the Sullivan men and Logan had punched Aiden repeatedly for daring to bring up his niece's name in there conversation.

It did not matter that what Aiden O'Reilly had uttered was under the influence of alcohol, the damage had been done. Sean had immediately broken all the ties with the O'Reilly organization and declared that any O'Reilly member found snooping in their territory would die.

The Callahan head of the family following his example had asked Aiden to leave the same night with his entourage as he had not wanted to risk spoiling his relations with the Sullivan organization.

Shamefaced and enraged Aiden had left late at night spewing out promises of retribution for his insult.

She knew that even Logan was relived by his father's decision, it was no secret that he didn't hold his brother in law Aiden in high regard and shared a very cold relationship with him.

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