12. Taken

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Sullivan estate, Newyork.

Claire yawned before slowly getting out from her bed. She felt really very tired. Having the confrontation with Alyssa yesterday had totally exhausted her.She couldn't believe how much bitterness Alyssa harboured in her heart for the Romero's and for a little child.

"Mother you were absolutely right", she sighed.

It seemed Alyssa's mask had finally cracked and to see what lied beneath it had totally shaken Claire in an unpleasant way.

Claire was really worried that Alyssa might end up doing something stupid, hence she had ordered her to not go near Amara. She shuddered to think what the Don would do once he came to know that Alyssa had brought up the subject of the Sullivan -Romero enimity with Amara around.

Claire clearly remembered her father-in-law's order's, Amara was not to be told anything about the past conflicts. She was too young to understand everything and he didn't want to upset and hurt her unnecessarily with the bitter truth about the past. Everyone in the estate were warned to not bring the topic up around Amara. Both the Sullivan and Romero Don would themselves tell her about everything once she was a little older.

Another thing that had shocked her was the abrupt decision to break the alliance with the O'Reilly family.

Not only were they old friends of the family but their alliance was also made strong through Alyssa and Logan's marriage. To break it off so suddenly meant that something had gone wrong in Chicago.

This too worried Claire slightly. Some of the mafia families lead a very prideful life, even a word of dishonour lead to rivalries and in Chicago the O'Reilly family must have suffered great humiliation at the hands of Don Sullivan. She could only hope for everything to sort out peacefully.

Shaking out of her thoughts she turned to look at the watch on her bedside table and was surprised to see that it was around eleven. She never slept this late.

Getting up from her bed she rushed towards the bathroom to get ready quickly so she could check on Amara. She had called an early night yesterday and given the maid's specific instructions regarding Amara's dinner and sleep timings and ordered them to call her if the need arised.

Quickly she walked towards the kitchen only to see four of the house helpers standing there waiting for her.

"Did Amara eat her breakfast?",Claire asked them.

They exchanged worried looks before one of the woman stepped forward and replied bowing her head

"No ma'am, the little princess refused to have breakfast".

"What? Why? Did she not like the items? Why didn't you get something else made from the chefs for her?" Claire asked, angry at their carelessness.

"I'm sorry ma'am. We tried everything. We even followed the list of her favourite dishes and had the chef's prepare everything again but she completely refused to eat. Ms. Amara even refused to have dinner last night".

"And I'm being informed about it now?",Claire hissed making them all wince.

Another of the woman stepped forward bowing her head, "I did come to your room ma'am, to inform you about it as you had instructed us but I couldn't w-wake you up", she stuttered before continuing "and Mrs. Alyssa wasn't at the manor last night either, so we didn't know who to approach".

Claire rubbed her face with her hands tiredly. She had completely forgotten that she had taken sleeping pills the night before. She couldn't blame them entirely for the carelessness. None of them had the power to refute Amara's wishes.

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