20. The Lost Frisbee

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"Serena, catch it ", Amara called out loudly as the frisbee came hurtling towards Serena who caught it easily and threw it back at the other team.

"This is so fun", Serena exclaimed and both the girls grinned.

The group of girls which included Amara Serena, Emma, Sofia, Aurora and Andrea were currently enjoying a game of ultimate frisbee. The six girls had divided themselves into two groups of three members on each side with Serena Amara and Aurora on one side and the rest on the other.

"It is better when we play by ourselves than when we play with the boys. They cheat every time", Amara said as she flicked the disc expertly towards Emma.

"That was a nice one Amara", Aurora said from her side preparing to catch the disc.

"Damn", Aurora swore loudly as the disc went flying past her and over the line of trees.

"Emma, couldn't you have thrown it lower. It's gone now", she yelled.

"You just had to flick it not throw it with so much force", Amara said as she turned to look at tree line.

"I told you that we shouldn't play so close to the woods but Emma and Sofia didn't want to listen", Andrea huffed in annoyance.

"That was the last one we had. We already lost two before this", Amara said disappointed.

"Let's get one of the guards to go and look for it then. We still have some time to kill before the school ends", Serena muttered.

"No, wait. No need to ask the guards, we can go and look for it ourselves",Emma declared confidently.

All the girls turned to look at her incredulously.

"I am not going in there", Aurora said, jerking her head to the dense tree cover.

"Oh, come on. Do you want the boys to call us scared chickens again? They always make fun of us for sending guards in there whenever we lose the disc, I say let's go in there and show them once and for all that we are not scared to venture out by ourselves." Emma said.

"The disc couldn't have gone very far", Serena spoke, looking slightly convinced with Emma's speech.

"Serena.... I don't think that's a good idea", Amara objected. She looked uncertainly towards the row of trees that led deeper into the woods.

"I'm in, I think it's a great idea. We obviously don't even have to worry about any wild animals in there. This place is totally secure." Sofia said excitedly,  exchanging a high five with Emma.

Aurora and Andrea backed off shaking their heads, "We will keep a watch out for you guys", Aurora said, raising her hands up in surrender at the prospect of going inside the woods.

Serena and Amara exchanged unsure looks, both afraid about the same thing  if they were to go in.

"If you both are thinking about Valerio and Allister then let me tell you that the boys are not in school. I heard my brother Sebastino talking with Gino about the boys going out somewhere during their gym class, which happens to be now, so they are probably not here. So you don't need to worry about them knowing anything." Sofia said.

"Trust me, Sebastino will surely tell my father that I went inside the woods alone if he comes to know about it but he won't because there are no guards around here to keep a watch out and we'll be back before them", she continued, trying to convince Serena and Amara.

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