33. The Heart of A Dove

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Dedicated to Whitewitch77 and xxclasseyxx for being such fervent readers and also so supporting! I can't thank you guys enough!!!!

Not edited, please excuse any grammatical errors!

Harley walked down the silent hallway, her pace fast, throat dry,  sweat dripping down her neck.

"I've been looking for you all over the school", she shouted in aggravation, stepping inside the private training room and closing the door behind her.

Her words were ignored, causing her temper to spike.

"Cian?! Are you listening to me?",she raised her voice, staring at the boy before her who was ignoring her in favour of the punching bag.

"Mind your tone", he finally snapped.

Harley scowled at the ground the way she wouldn't dare at him.

"What is going to happen to the boys?", she asked him after a few minutes, her voice betraying none of the fear that she was currently feeling. 

"Whatever they deserve", Cian answered back nonchalantly.

"B-but didn't you see what happened out there? Your cousin and the other elites made Niall and his friends eat chilies until they were crying and begging to be forgiven", she told him.

Cian spared her a single amused glance at her response.

"Since when do you care about Niall and his friends?", he sneered.

"I don't care about any of them",she spat at once. "Those fuc-"

"Control yourself", Cian interjected  coldly, before he resumed his practice. "We've spoken about this before."

Harley's mouth snapped shut at the rebuke.

"He took them away",she continued quietly. "Valerio Valentini took the boys away with him. I don't know where. I saw Caden and a few other elites leaving with him as well."

"He's here."

It wasn't a question and yet Harley nodded her head vigorously.

"Y-yes", she stuttered.

Harley had never much cared to listen to any of the rumours and whispers about the mafia families. She was not a part of them and she didn't concern herself with what happened in their world.

But even she could not always close her ears as whispers floated around the school amongst the future generation of mobsters. She had heard his name.

Valerio Valentini was the heir of the mighty Valentini Crime Empire. The Devil's incarnate, some called him. A mystery, both unknown and feared.

Rumours of his ferocity and intelligence were both a point of worry and of begrudging respect amongst all.

Whispers had broken out at the Valentini heir's arrival in the amphitheatre. A buzz of anticipation charging up the atmosphere with every step that he descended.

And Harley.....she had felt breathless just by witnessing the power that he seemed to command. There was something caged animal about him as he had walked down. His eyes were piercing and dark, they were the eyes of an animal, an agitated and deadly beast about to pounce.

Even as  the German students had stood up from their seats, bowing before him, he didn't care to  acknowledged them. His eyes never strayed away from the four boys who were being punished. He looked at them like he was some predatory thing and they less than scum to be crunched under his feet.

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