30. Departure and New Arrivals

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Dedicated to NeNe_k for being such an enthusiastic reader! All your votes, comments and support mean alot! I'm lucky to have a reader like you!

Thank you so much goldpinkgurl for this beautiful cover!!!❤❤❤

This chapter is Not edited! Please excuse any grammatical errors.

Amara walked down the hallway, Emma beside her.

"He should be in the comman room. We already checked the basketball court and he wasn't there, so I think...", Emma prattled on.

"Don't be so nervous Emma",Amara told her friend, "It's alright if you don't come along, I'll find him and then meet you for the lecture."

"No, I'll come with you",Emma replied.

Amara was about to press the issue when she saw Cristiano coming out of the boys comman room.

"Cristiano?", she called out and walked over to him quickly. "Do you know where Valerio is?"

"He is in the common room",he replied back politely.

Amara hesitated, "Can you please call him out for a few minutes?"

Cristiano paled, "He's actually fencing with Gino, Amara. I don't think that he would like if I disturb him."

"We are coming in then",Emma decided instantly.

Amara turned to her at once. "We can't go in the boys comman room without promising to give them some kind of payment in return."

Through the boys comman room was a shortcut passage to some of their classes, but the girls tended to avoid using it unless it was extremely important, because the boys always demanded a toll from them to pass through.

"You are allowed", Cristiano told her quickly.

"It's not a trick, is it?", Emma asked him suspiciously. "Name your price, we don't want to owe you any favours."

Amara knew that he wouldn't ask for anything extreme like the other boys tended to.

Cristiano on the other hand didn't mention how all the boy's had been warned by Valerio that Amara was to be treated with the same respect and dignity that they treated Valerio with, even more so in fact. She was his choosen, his Queen. They weren't allowed to disrespect her in anyway.

He finally understood why Valerio had been so harsh on the newbie, Michael, at the start of the term party, prompting the boy to shift to one of the other branches of Wolsford Academy the very next day.

Even then, Allister's anger had been predictable but not Valerio's rage.

Cristiano resisted telling her about it.

He shook his head, "Not a trick, I swear. You don't have to pay anything Amara."

Amara bit her lip nervously. She wasn't sure if it really was a good idea. The boys were known to trick them into traps in the past. But she really did need to see Valerio.

"Okay, let's go", she finally decided. She would think of something to exchange in return to pass through if it did turn out to be a trick.

They entered through the door and Amara saw that the entrance room was..... empty.

"I thought you said....",Amara began.

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