36. Old pain, New wounds!

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Dedicated to Okay_Stars and DewDropsOnGrass for being such sweet and wonderful readers!!!! Your support and love is really appreciated ❤

Not edited! Please excuse any grammatical errors.

".....he set you up!"

Damien's words continued to resound in Valerio's head as he walked towards Amara with determined footsteps.

"What is he saying sweetheart?", Valerio asked her with forced calmness.

Amara paled. "V-Valerio",she stuttered.

"What is he saying?", he repeated in a hard voice.

"Va —",Damien began hesitantly but the boy in question raised his palm, gesturing for Damien to remain silent.

Valerio looked at Amara, who in turn was staring at him with dread in her eyes. He hated that look of apprehension in her beautiful eyes.

How he hated it!

"I asked you something Amara."

Amara glanced at Damien for help who looked at her uneasily.

"We were just t-talking about the competition", she finally answered.

"Just the competition?",Valerio asked.

"Y-yes",she stuttered, not daring to look in his eyes as she lied to him.

Valerio chuckled fondly. He found his girl's attempt at lying to be utterly humorous. Amara Sullivan Romero's eyes were not made to lie. The way she tried to steal them away from him always gave her away.

"Damien", he spoke suddenly. "Leave us alone", he commanded, his eyes never straying away from Amara's face.

Damien objected at once. "But—"

"Choose your next actions very carefully. I'm in no mood to offer second chances",Valerio warned him.

Damien paled slightly, glancing between the couple for several seconds before walking out, closing the door behind him and leaving the two alone.

Valerio brushed a few loose strands of Amara's hair away from her face. "So, you were talking about the competition?", he prodded again.

Amara bit her lip nervously, nodding her head.

"I'm very curious", Valerio began, his tone mock serious, "When did you even decide that you wanted to participate in the combat?"

Amara's throat was feeling dry. "I... uh...this morning."

"This morning?",Valerio repeated, a hard glint in his eyes.

"Yes", Amara answered softly.

"Are you sure about it?",Valerio asked her again.

Amara nodded her head.

"Don't lie to me sweetheart",Valerio finally stated, his tone heavy with disapproval. "I heard what Damien told you. I can go and question him and I'm sure that he won't refuse me the answer but no, I want to hear you say it."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about", Amara whispered, biting her lip nervously.

Valerio chuckled. "I was so mad when I came to know about this, you know", he breathed out."I am not around for a few hours and you end up getting involved in the most.... difficult situations."

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