26. Under the Moonlight

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A huge shout out to all those who have nominated BOUND for The literary Awards 2017! I don't believe that I can qualify for it but your support still means alot. You guys are amazing ❤❤❤

This chapter is not edited, please excuse any grammatical errors.


"Amara, sweetie, are you sure about this?", Claire asked.

"Don't worry about me Aunt Claire", Amara replied, smiling softly to help ease her Aunt's anxiety, "I would like to stay at home."

"I don't think that your grandfathers' are going to be very happy with your absence", Claire replied back worriedly.

A pained expression crossed Amara's face before she replied, "I don't really want to attend any party right now Aunt Claire, please", she pleaded.

Claire sighed quietly as she looked at her niece's pleading eyes. How could she refuse her such a small thing? Especially after what was happening since the past few days.

"I'll stay with you here then",Claire decided.

"But you are already ready to leave", Amara pointed out. "Please don't change your plans on my account. I don't mind staying back at home and I won't be alone. There are security guards outside the manor and the helping staff here, and don't forget that uncle Pietro is present outside too", Amara tried to convince her.

Claire was in a fix. She couldn't let Amara stay alone at the manor. It wouldn't bode well for either of them. Don Sullivan wouldn't like the fact that his precious flower was upset and alone at home.

Claire looked over at her niece as she sat hunched over the piano with brows furrowed and a concentrated expression on her face as she played the keys.

The tone that she was setting was much too.....melancholy, the exposition should have been far lighter and airier.

Amara kept on playing, trying to distract herself. Her fingers flying up and down the keyboard almost in a frenzy, the internal struggle she felt voiced in powerful intervals. And the cause of the struggle - A party.

It wasn't any normal party, no. It was a party thrown to celebrate the new peace treaty between the Riccardi's and the Giovanni's and by extension the Romero and Valentini organisations too. A party hosted by her Grandpa Sean at one of the luxurious Sullivan Hotel, here, in New York.

A party for which the Italian crime families had flown to the city just this morning, her family included.

Amara was reluctant to attend any event given the circumstances of what had led her to New York in the first place. She didn't think that she could handle the coldness and anger directed at her, if she were to come face to face with her Italian family, which would definitely happen if she did attend the event.

"Why is it that everything you are playing is so sad, little flower?", was heard from the doorway.

For the first time, Amara's fingers hesitated as she turned around to look at the new arrival.

"Grandma!", Amara exclaimed, her eyes lightening up with joy.

She quickly got up from the bench and walked towards her grandma, embracing her.

"I missed you", Amara mumbled, not letting go of her.

Patricia held on for a few moments before pulling away from her and put her hands on Amara's cheeks, holding her face and staring intently into her eyes.

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