11. Alyssa O'Reilly

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Sullivan estate, Newyork.

Alyssa Sullivan nee O'Reilly stood in the balcony of her room watching the ongoings of the compound with narrowed eyes.

She could see several of the guards rushing around the compound making hurried preparations as if preparing for the arrival of the almighty himself.

Alyssa scowled at herself for the unintentional comparison that she had made.

Her scowl turned deeper as she saw her mother-in-law Patricia Sullivan walking outside on the grounds with Claire, both of them walking with full blown smiles on their faces.

Oh, Alyssa knew what exactly had everyone so excited, it was that time of the year again. A period which Alyssa hated with a burning passion. Her insides burned with bitterness as she saw several cars entering the compounds, half of them carrying the Romero guards while the other half had the Sullivan guards.

"That blasted girl is back," she snarled in a low voice to herself as she saw an eight year old girl jump out of the car and directly in Patricia's arms.

Alyssa knew that she was required to go down there as well to greet the little girl, but she couldn't bring herself to care about the repercussions of her actions right now. She couldn't pretend to be happy at her arrival and smile sweet fake smiles at the Romero spawn.

Alyssa hated the Romero's with a burning passion, and she hated Amara Romero even more fiercely. It didn't matter that the girl was but a child of eight years, Alyssa would always hate her, more so because of the fact that she was Cristina Romero's daughter than any fault of her own. Cristina Romero was her arch-rival in almost everything whether it be academics, socialising extracurriculars, competitions ....... or love.

But Alyssa had been very careful with her emotions so far, not letting even a single harsh whisper slip past her lips when in other's company. It really wouldn't have bothered anyone if she had bad mouthed the Romero's a few years ago, but not anymore. Not since the girl had entered their lives turning it upside-down.

She paused in her train of thought as she heard the sound of giggling and saw Caden spinning Amara around enthusiastically before placing her on the ground and dropping a light kiss on her head followed by her son Cian who gave her the same greeting as everyone else watched on with adoring expression on their faces.

Alyssa rolled her eyes at the display of obvious affection. This happened every damn year since the past three years. The girl would come here to spend her holidays and everyone would cater to her like she was some god damn precious angel.

And how Alyssa hated it, hated the innocent act that the girl put up,to Alyssa's horror the girl even had the Sullivan Don himself wrapped around her little finger. That in itself was one of the reason why Alyssa never dared to even utter anything against the girl, it did not help that the Romero's had become even more powerful than before. She wouldn't be able to hold her own against them if she tried anything against the girl.

So, she had taken the easier way out and played the part of a distant albeit sweet aunt. Though, sometimes Alyssa suspected that Patricia or even Claire saw through her facade.

Not wanting to bring any more attention to herself than necessary Alyssa straightened herself from her position and turned around to go and greet the girl.

She was just about to cross the entrance when the party consisting of the Sullivan's present at the mansion and the Romero girl along with the guards entered inside.

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