17. And so it begins

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Sean O'pry as Valerio Valentini

Not edited so please excuse any grammatical errors!


Valentini Estate, Rome.

Silvano Valentini stood in the balcony of the game room, overlooking the party going on outside on the grounds of his house. It was the customary start of the school year party  organized by his family. The grounds were decorated to suit the occasion, food and drinks were being served by  what looked like a small army of waiters.

"Hey man, what are you doing out here? Come in and play pool with us. We're short a member", his close friend and ally, Cristiano Bianchi, called out as he came to stand next to him in the open balcony.

"Are you checking out the the new girls? A few of them are quite hot",  Cristiano said as his eyes roamed over a group of girls, the newbies in the school.

"Seems a very bratty and stupid lot to me. I'm sure they must have had gotten in only due to their family's connections", Silvano drawled, unimpressed.

"Who cares about wits while fuck-", Cristiano began jokingly but stopped talking as Silvano threw him a blank look.

"So did you see anyone you like yet?", Cristiano asked clearing his throat.

"You're forgetting that you are the resident flirt of our year, not me Bianchi", Silvano replied back coolly.

"Touché", Cristiano smirked, as he winked and waved his hands to the group who were staring at them from the ground, making them burst into a fit of giggles and whisper conspirationally to each other, as they continued to throw flirtatious looks at them.

Silvano rolled his eyes at the display.

"What are you doing out here then?", his companion questioned him.

"Scouting", Silvano replied back. "My cousin's orders", he continued when he saw Cristiano's questioning look.

Cristiano nodded in understanding.

"You see that guy over there?", Cristiano pointed discreetly to a boy who was surrounded by a group of boys and girls who seemed to be hanging onto his every word.

"He's a transfer student in the year below us and from what I've heard it appears that the boy likes to throw his weight around. His father owns one of the leading publishing companies in the country which has led him to believe that he can strut around this place like a freakin peacock."

"His delusion is going to break soon enough", Silvano replied dismissively.

"Poor newbies don't know that the real party will begin after some time. Valerio and Allister forbid the boys from giving the new students any heads up about what's going to happen", Cristiano smirked sneakily.

Silvano chuckled as his eyes roamed over the crowd of boys and girls mingling and laughing. Many were dancing on the loud music while a few were lounging near the pool.

"Valerio seems to be happy at returning back home",Cristiano began after a few moments of silence,"He even laughed at some of the boys jokes", he continued in awe as if he could hardly believe it to be true.

"Of course he is", Silvano agreed,  smiling internally, knowing well enough the true reason behind his cousin's happiness at returning back to Italy.

"His transfer to the Wolsford Academy's Germany branch was quite abrupt last year", Cristiano spoke, trying to gauge Silvano's expression.

"Don Vitiello thought it would be beneficial for Valerio to attend the school in Germany and help him in handling our business there",Silvano replied back.

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