Warewolves & Ghosts

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Noah POV

I watched Nate through the kitchen window and yes, that made me feel like a stalker but to be fair you can't be a peeping tom from inside a house.

Sun tanned skin shimmered with a sheen of sweat as Nate lowered the axe for the umpteenth time. He was mesmerising in a way I didn't want to think too deeply about.


Nate looked up and caught me looking. He stared at me and I watched confusion turn into a dimpled smirk. I quickly returned to cleaning the counters.

I ignored the man chopping wood like a sexy lumberjack just outside the window and continued to organise and throw things away. The inside of the house was starting to look nice. The papers were disappearing and I could see it's character.

At around 3pm I put together a pitcher of fresh lemonade and some finger sandwiches. I had taken a quick trip down the mountain to go grocery shopping because I knew Nate would be over.

"Hey come in! I have some lemonade and sandwiches!" I yelled out the kitchen window.

I finished washing the things I'd used to make the food. I was so focused on the task I didn't feel Nate come up behind me until his hand reached over me.

"Excuse my reach," his deep voice rumbled from behind me. Goosebumps exploded across my skin as I had a quick flash of a fantasy I used to have.

I nearly gasped as I pictured Nate bending me over the kitchen counter and grabbing both my hands in his. He whispered, "Do you want my big cock to make you scream Noah? I want to hear you beg for it."

Nate pulled away from me with his glass. I heard him walk to the table and pour the lemonade in the glass and grab a sandwich. When Nate used to get that close to me, I always used to have those kind of thoughts. Disgusting thoughts, well at least I used to convince myself they were.

"How's the backyard coming," I asked trying to get myself under control.

"You should know, you seem to be watching the progress closely," I nearly spit out my lemonade.

"I just.. you remind me of my dad," Nate looked up at me with an eyebrow raised, "as a kid I'd watch him chop wood and imagine myself doing that someday. Guess I was meant to watch others do it for me."

I sat down and nibbled on a sandwich mentally face palming myself. As if Nate could feel how uncomfortable I was getting he got his laptop from his bag and began clicking away on the device.

Eventually he went back outside and we continued working. The sun set streamed through the house in no time. The yard was cleaned up and all the wood was in bundles. The house was spotless and it felt strange. I'd never seen it look so put together in my whole life.

I hadn't been feeling well all day but I powered through it to make dinner and after a shower Nate decided we should eat around the fire pit.

I realized that I'd missed the fresh air, sunsets and of course bonfires with the stars out. Nate and I had a bottle of whiskey between us and some chili I'd thrown together, it was perfect.

The haze that had taken over my eyes had intensified though and my head was pounding. It got harder to pay attention to what Nate was talking about so I just politely nodded.

"Noah you just agreed to go skinny dipping in my jacuzzi," I looked at Nate a best as I could.

"I did what?" my voice sounded as weak as I felt.

"Are you okay? Hey, dude stay with me..."

I was floating in a sea of black, vaguely aware that I must have passed out. Something in the distance was starting to focus and then I felt the tears before I saw ma. She looked better than she had in the previous years, her hair didn't look like a yellow, wispy mess on her head anymore.

I didn't want to speak to the apparition because what if it disappeared. It was as if by acknowledging it it would go away. I didn't want to lose my mother again. The second time would be too hard.

"Hello baby boy," she called out to me with just as much warmth as she used to.
"This isn't going to be easy but I don't think I made a mistake. I never told you about who we are and I guess I have to shoulder the blame for that. In the next few days you're going to have to die."

Her words made no sense but I continued to listen.

"Don't worry you'll come back stronger if you can make it through the eye. I asked your father to come and help but I guess he didn't get here in time so you'll need to do this by yourself. Nate will take care of your body on earth so just fight for the gifts I gave you."

The image of her started to disappear and I reached for her with all the strength I could muster but it was no use. Ma was gone. I glanced down at my hands and realized that I didn't have any, actually I had no body whatsoever.

Nate's POV

I yelled at and shook Noah for about 30 minutes but he was out. It was hard to keep calm because he didn't just look like he was peacefully unconscious. His skin was turning gray and there was no expression on his face.

I briefly thought of getting the shifters to the house but the idea felt horribly wrong. So I did what I could to confirm Noah was okay.

I sat down next to Noah on the couch and opened my mind up to the currents of people's thoughts. I hadn't used my power in such a long time the flood of people's consciousness overwhelmed me until I could refocus my attention to Noah.

I sat still hoping for something, a dream, a thought, just something. It took a while but I heard something else entirely.

"Keep the body warm Nate and don't contact anyone until it's done."

It was Martha and even though I'd seen many things in my life time, the dead talking was not one of them.

"What's happening? Martha..?"

"My son needs you. If you want a full description open the third folder on the jump drive."

A huge force of energy pushed me out of Noah's head.

"Okay, I get the message," I grumbled.

I had only been through the first file Kally had put on the drive so I had no idea what Martha was going on about. I quickly grabbed my laptop from the table and brought it to the couch.

I flipped it open and clicked on the third folder. My hands shook as I began to read.

My parents always told me that I wouldn't have peace, that once a supernatural knew who I was and where I was from they would exploit me.

I had no idea what I was signing up for when I got recruited to come to Addington's research facility. The person doing my orientation was human and I couldn't sense anything wrong.

I suppose my powers are limited by the human part of me but that can't be helped. I worry though because I only have one child to pass these gifts to. Noah wants to leave this town and I would go with him if I could but I can't. Maybe it'll be good for him to have roots elsewhere.

Noah can go through the transition and before the organization gets him, he can run. For now he has to be normal and go to college. Hopefully he'll find his way.

Fuck, I thought. That was the only thing in the folder, an old journal entry with barely any detail about the transition Noah was going through. I knew that the information I needed was in the attic but I also didn't have the key.

I paced back and forth trying to figure out what to do until I settled on just following Martha's instructions. I grabbed two thick blankets and laid them over Noah's body. All I could do was wait for him to wake up. If he woke up.

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