We Won't Burn Together

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Nate's  POV

"We own you Nate, so you might as well come back and play nice," Alexandra, Addington's beta and residential butch, addressed me over the phone.

I continued my walk around the Nosti compound making sure no one got close to me. The phone call had come right after Noah went upstairs to clean up.

"I'm done with my contract and I'm done with your alpha, Alexandra. I sent over copies of what I found."

"What you failed to mention was that Martha gave her son the gift and he's the new source. That would have been more helpful than that shit you sent. Tell me, were you too busy fucking him to remember that detail?" she seethed.

I took deep breaths and tried to calm down. The bitch was really testing me.

"We have unfinished work, oh and we found your stone," Alexandra sang.

I stopped cold as shivers ran through me, "No, you don't get to say that so carelessly and think that there won't be consequences."

"Kally's been working with us to find your stone and like the good little street rat she found it," menace oozed from every word Alexandra spoke. "You don't have to believe me, but either way, you gotta come back to know if we have it."

I hung up. My hands shook as they clutched the phone but somehow I managed to call Kally. Then call her again and again. She wasn't picking up and that's when I really lost my shit.

I rushed into the house and found Flynn in the library but before I could say anything Noah came in. I couldn't focus on what was being said because all I knew was that if the werewolves had my stone I was screwed.

By the time I got the keys to the truck, my mind was far from what seemed important earlier today. Quickly, I gathered my stuff and had Minnie pack me some snacks. Like a zombie, I piled my stuff in the car and got in.

"Hey," Noah banged on the side of the door and looked up at me. I opened it and shivered at the cold that was really starting to settle in with nightfall.

"Hey," I took a shaky breath.

"I know that you have to go and that makes sense because, I mean we only slept together once but I thought you were going to help me through this. You saved my life and you're just going to leave?" Noah's voice cracked a little at the end.

I wanted to tell him that I'd stay and that I would always protect him but I couldn't. The truth was that he would never matter as much as my stone and if Kally wasn't picking up then she was in immediate danger. If I couldn't put Noah first, then I really didn't deserve to be by his side.

"I have to go," I started to close the door but Noah grabbed my coat covered arm.

"Let go of me. Look you didn't mean as much as you thought you did. Fuck! Why does everyone have to save you all the time Noah," like my arm was on fire, Noah let go of me quickly.

I looked straight ahead at the snow covered road because I wouldn't face him. I couldn't.

Noah would focus better if he let go of the love he had for me. I would focus better on trying to unmake this fucked up bed I was trapped in.

Then maybe, when everything had been said and done, we could have the fantasy of "forever" back.

I arrived on the pack compound late at night. It always gave me the creeps because I could feel the souls of dead animals lingering. The place needed a cleanse, they killed so many animals.

The werewolves weren't anything like the sexy versions on the movie screens. Instead they were snarling beasts with destructive tendencies. I side stepped the many bones littering the path to their pack house as I made my way to face the music.

The picture in Martha's book that called them by their real names, hounds of hell, depicted them perfectly. Glowing wolf's eyes that were trained on their prey at all times. They ran on all fours but despite looking mostly animal like, they had unmistakable human qualities.

I was getting closer to the house when I heard laughter and growling from the backyard. I rounded the corner and found them in the throws of a party. Liquor was passed between them and several sexual acts were going on.

"Wow you came fast. Why does this stone mean so much to you," Alexandra whispered into my ear. I whirled to face the redhead looking at me with mild amusement.

"I want to see her, your alpha Delenae," I demanded. Up until this point my communication with their alpha had been through her minions.

"Then good thing she wants to see you."

Alexandra and I made our way into the house.

The rooms were dimly lit but I recalled what it looked like the last time I was there. We reached the back room where Delenae sat on an intricate chair made of branches.

She was just as evil looking as I could have ever imagined. In her hand she swirled a glass of wine as she sat looking bored with me. Black hair as dark as ink, fell down in a bone straight cascade and death rippled off her in waves.

"Let's get to the point Nate, either continue as my commander or Kally here," Delenae pulled on a chain, dragging Kally's limp body into the light, "dies."

I wasn't sure Kally wasn't already dead.... until I saw the slight rise and fall of her chest. I was briefly taken back to the time I'd found Kally strung out on the streets before I took her to the shelter.

"Oh but you can have this back," the alpha threw my stone that I had attached to a necklace, "I'm sure Kally will be enough incentive to make you stay, don't you think?"

What had I done?

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