Who Are You / We?

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Nate's POV
Three days passed before I officially lost my shit. Noah hadn't moved or made a sound and his whole body looked dead. I cooked for myself but other than that there wasn't much to do to keep myself busy. I turned the whole house upside down in a desperate attempt to find the key to the attic but I gave up.

It was clear that Noah didn't want me to find it. The asshole also didn't know that it could be the key to keeping him alive.

I hadn't left the house or taken care of myself. My beard was getting out of hand and I stunk but I couldn't find the courage to leave Noah long enough to get clean.

I opened my mind up once again and heard nothing. I kept it open until my mind started to hear things on its own.

"You look like hell," Martha's voice startled me awake. I didn't know when I had fallen asleep. Time was starting to get nonsensical.

"I'm glad that my son has such a devoted friend but I'm sure he'd like you to shower too."

"I just want to know if he'll live Martha," my voice cracked and I knew in that moment that I never got over my best friend leaving. I wasn't going to let him run out of my life again.

"Shower. If he's made it, he'll wake up today."

I wiped the tears that dripped into my beard and headed upstairs. Under the spray of the water I felt better but I couldn't come to grips with the possibility of Noah never waking up.

Hastily I shaved my beard and returned downstairs. Every step down made my heart beat a little faster and I was taken back to every time I made the walk to see Noah. How my heart would stutter and how I didn't know what that meant until we were in high school. 

I walked to face Noah's body and he was still out cold. I went back to the arm chair and fell asleep watching him.

"Nate, Nate," I didn't recognize his voice at first but then my eyes flew open.

Noah looked... well he looked different. I wasn't sure if it was because I had been looking at his lifeless body for three days but his skin was glowing. Overall he looked healthier but it was his eyes that had changed the most. They looked like they had seen everything the universe had to offer and were reflecting that back.

"I, well fuck I don't know how to begin." Noah pulled away from me and sat back down on the couch. If it's possible, he looked weary and energized at the same time.

"You must be hungry, let me get you something to eat," I got up but Noah shook his head.

"I'm full," Noah said, "I need to tell you what happened because I'm afraid the words to describe what I saw are going to go away."

I nodded and waited for him to figure out how to start.

"I saw my first ancestor, the first one of my family line to bridge humanity to magic. She guided me through the eye of knowledge which was like a mist filled gateway I had to step through. In there I saw my life from the beginning of time and how our clan intertwined with the supernaturals, all the way to the day I came back here to bury ma.

My mother died and gave me her powers of sight, channelling energy and healing. Only one person of her choosing could be given the opportunity. Now the werewolves are hunting me, like they did my mother."

Noah looked at me but I could tell he was seeing past me. I didn't know I was helping the organization find the next seer but I was and I'd found him.

"You and your father were never human, were you?" Noah asked. I tried to gage how much Noah knew but I couldn't, so for the first time since I'd found out who I was, I told him the truth. His eyes remained focused on mine.

"We're not like vampires and werewolves but yes, we definitely aren't human. Our clan is an old one with its roots in Norse mythology. The priestess that rose from the dead and foretold the death of Balder to Odin is the one who cursed us. As it was told to me, my family woke her before the end of the world and she killed us and brought us back. We're never truly alive or dead but we exist in the inbetween. We appear to be living but the same rules of the living don't apply. We can die but we may never find rest. I've never been able to communicate with the dead like my father could, well I guess that used to be true until I heard Martha."

Noah nodded and a hefty silence settled between us. Now that we knew about each other's superpowers I guess we were left wondering, now what?

I glanced at the clock, it was 2pm. I was starting to feel the anxiousness of the past three days give way to fatigue.

"You can take the guest room," Noah said pensively. He wasn't mentally in the room anymore, I could tell because his eyes were distant. I didn't know what this all meant but I felt that something was coming. Good or bad, I couldn't be on the losing end of this situation.

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