Nikkal the Goddess

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Noah's POV
Standing before the statue, I felt naked.

"She's beautiful isn't she?"

I turned around to face whoever had just spoken. A woman that resembled the statue stood under one of the trees. Her chocolate skin shimmered in the sunlight as her dreads tumbled around her in what looked like a perpetual wind. What was the first thing I said?

"Ya she's hot, I mean... you're beautiful." A melodious sound filled the space around us as I stood there awkwardly.

"Dude think of us as two friends just chilling. I've been reminiscing with your Mom about you and of course the things she should've and shouldn't have done. You have far more responsibility than she did."

Nikkal moved further out from under the tree, confirming her beauty in the sunlight. Her eyes were gold, not the solid color but like shimmering raw nuggets of gold.

"You're unsure. That much is obvious."

"You made a mistake," I said timidly.

"Usually I'd check you so fast for defying my choices but I'm trying to work on my patience. I don't have enough followers anymore to be killing off half of them," she grinned like she was telling a joke.

All in all Nikkal was nothing like I had expected. She was light hearted in a "don't fuck with me" kind of way.

"Everyone seems to believe in you," she smiled, " I remember watching you go to bat at the sections final for your baseball team. You were the best player yet all you felt was doubt. The "what ifs" floated around in your head but you got past your anxieties.

Noah, I don't make mistakes."

Just like that Nikkal was gone and she took the daylight with her. I glanced back at the statue noticing the shadow it casted. Carefully I walked up to it and touched it again.

Visions of the stone figure throughout time flashed in my mind's eye. Seasons changed in a blur as I watched the statues' surroundings. It was like I was the statue peering at an infinite montage of everything that had ever occurred. Then things stopped changing and time stood still. I was still looking out as the statue when a dark figure obstructed my view.

"Hello Noah. I'm just letting you know that I'm coming for you and my sister Nikkal. Oh and I'm going to use your walking dildo to do it," the dark figure laughed, morphing into Nate but he had dark veins webbed across his pale face. Dark blue soulless eyes stared back at me as Nate's face smiled. It wasn't him... it couldn't be.

I hit the ground as the vision pushed me out. Sweat covered my body as I visibly shook, trying to get my bearings again. I had no idea what I had just seen but I knew something bad had happened.

A dark entity had contacted me through a vision and fuck, what in life could possibly prepare you for that?

Pushing myself up I started heading back to the main house in a dead run. If Nate was in trouble I had to do something.

When I got in the house the energy had shifted. I could feel the anxiety and adrenaline covering every inch of the space.

"There's a meeting in the dining room addressing what's happening. Where have you been? Fuck it go in there now." Minnie sternly grabbed my arm and guided me past the rec room to the dining room.

There was no available space. People were standing and sitting, filling the room to capacity.

"We've received confirmation that the werewolves have summoned the dark king. What this means for us and the Nosti that live outside of this settlement, is that we need to train harder than we ever have. This is to preserve our people as well as the rest of the supernaturals," gramps addressed us.

A din broke out as people asked questions and voice concerns but he silenced them with a wave of his hand.

"We have the source and Nakkal on our side. We won't lose," gramps nodded and walked out of the room.

Voices rose again along with the level of anxiety in the room but my goal was to find Jason. My thoughts were running a million miles a minute. I pushed my way through people letting my instincts lead me to him.

It wasn't long until I practically ran into him. An aura of light purple swam around him and I knew it was Nakkal's energy because it called to me.

Jason raised an eyebrow and walked out of the room without a word. I followed him to the library. For the first time I felt awkward. All the books seemed like they were watching us.

"So how was she?" Jason's deep voice reverberated around us.

"Nakkal was... unusual but I saw something after she gave me her powers again. A dark figure said it had Nate and it said it was coming after me," I explained.

"You saw the dark king. I think we should sit down," Jason instructed.

Apprehension settled in the pit of my stomach. That thing had done something to Nate.

"Delenae is the leader of the werewolves and the one who tricked Martha into working for her. The source used to work together with the werewolves until that changed years ago. In a fit of rage their alpha murdered half of the Nosti because the man he loved wouldn't love him back. Ever since then our magic has been off limits to the werewolves.

As punishment Nikkal also made the werewolves go rogue. Delenae needs the source because the werewolf gene is deteriorating. Every generation born is closer to being wild and losing their human side completely. More werewolves are becoming feral and dying or killing their own," Jason stopped and looked at me probably because I couldn't believe it.

The werewolves were just trying to survive and the Nosti felt they were entitled to their suffering.

"Why can't we just help them find a cure? A past alpha killed our people and they paid for that. We need to forgive them," I argued.

"It's not from a lack of trying. Martha wanted to help them as much as she could but years of abuse and being held hostage didn't help her. Over the years Martha helped them stay alive but she couldn't stop them from losing their humanity. Delenae doesn't want to be cured anymore. She has the medicine to keep them alive thanks to the dark king; now she wants to kill all of the Nosti."

I sat back in my chair and mulled over what Jason was saying. It seemed that Nikkal wasn't as kind as I had thought and the reasons for fighting this war were far more complicated.

"A world without you or Nikkal means that the dark king can rise. Both of you are balancing his evil and keeping this world from chaos," the tattoos on Jason's skin began swirling again.

"What did the dark king do to Nate?" my voice croaked.

"Nate isn't completely alive which means that he was never on this plane. Part of his soul belonged to the otherworld and it was just a matter of time before the dark king found it."

"Spare me the tale and just tell me what's happened to him," I yelled.

"The dark king claimed his soul just like he did to his father. Now he's a demon."

Nate's POV

I'm not sure what I thought being touched by the king would feel like. My father had always warned against walking in the otherworld. Before I could control myself I would end up there as a child. He said it called to us especially and that was the curse of the priestess.

Now I was a part of it and I found it exhilarating. Souls trudged slowly in different levels of what christians would call hell. To be able to command them was a delicious power that fed straight to my veins.

"You see why we have to kill them," I snapped back to Delenae talking her head off. "The source and Nikkal kept us from this energy. It feeds you doesn't it. You feel stronger."

"I do," I admitted but I also felt less like myself.

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