In the Wolf's Den

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Nate's POV

The weight of the damned stone in my palm was astronomical. Its simple jade exterior reminded me of an easier time, when all I worried about was Noah. I was stupid for thinking that anything could ever be the same.

"Good to see you," I didn't have to look up to know that it was Clide. The guy was my right hand man and to be honest my saving grace through the personal hell I'd been through.

"I was hoping I wouldn't be back here," I exhaled loudly.

He chuckled, "You knew you would be. You're the only one that can pull out the stick that's been up Delenae's ass. I've been running her men into the ground making sure that they didn't go soft after you left. Now they're damn near civilized enough to follow orders without growling at you," Clide smiled proudly.

We were the only creatures that weren't werewolves on the compound. Because Clide was a vampire he loved to rag on the wolves.

"At least I don't have to start over... let's have a feast tonight. A good party will distract me," my stomach swam at the thought of having to pretend that nothing was wrong.

"Distract you from the source?" Clide inquired.

I stared into Clide's eyes, silently asking for him to say what he really meant.

"It's been going around that you fucked the source. Now I personally couldn't give less of a shit but even I have to wonder, could you feel the goddess inside him?" the teasing nature of the question contrasted with Clide's malicious intent.

I was taken aback. Clide pushed buttons but I had never seen him act so feral. A flash of blue shone in his brown eyes but I couldn't be sure because then it was gone.

"Clide get the party ready and don't talk about Noah again," I ground out the words slow and deliberately.

What the fuck was going on? Up until that point, I thought Clide was my ally in all this. I took a deep breath and convinced myself that I was over reacting.

All the creatures on earth gorge themselves but none of them do it to the extent that werewolves do.

In front of me was an excess of alcohol and naked body parts. Two fights had broken out so there was some blood in that mix too.

I remember asking my father why they behaved like this and he said it made them feel free to be able to follow their customs. I looked around me, noticing a massive hog practically ripped to shreds.

I continued sitting at the head table in the great hall. The parties were held in the great hall, away from the pack house. For this reason I wasn't even sure if Delenae would show, not that I wanted her near me. 

She was great when she partied in a good mood but in a bad one? Things ended up broken or dead. I took a swig from my cup and continued to watch them.

Clide had this small were-woman bouncing on his lap. She was just his type. Tiny, blonde and eager to please. It wasn't that looking at Clide and that woman really reminded me of Noah, it's just that I had been thinking about Noah obsessively anyway.

I closed off the feelings for Noah that were creeping up. There was no use in pining for him because if Delenae got her way I was going to be the one to bring him here. I'd kill his family and friends and enslave him to save a bitch I didn't care about. I'd save her and her clan because I was backed into a corner.

And for what? For Kally? The stone? My dad?

Heaviness grew in my chest, I'd had enough. I got up just in time to see Delanae silence the whole room. Each step she took had the weres in front of her in subservience with their heads bowed. It would have been impressive if I wasn't paralyzed by fear.

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