No Time for Kisses

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Jason's POV

"The library again?" I lowered myself into the chair across from Noah.

"Knowledge is power and I need the second thing," Noah mumbled as he flipped the page. I watched him work through a book about how the Nosti use Nikkal's energy. The process was nothing like the way Noah and I used it.

A small pang, that I recognized as pride, filled my heart. I suppressed my initial annoyance at feeling it towards Noah. A part of me knew that the only way to get through training him was to embrace what I was feeling so I could control it.

I thought about it this way. The more religious an area, the more fucked up their porn searches, I'd read somewhere that it was because they suppressed their urges so they got out of control.

If I was going to keep myself from bending Noah over and taking him, I had to realize that I wanted to do that in the first place. That was the easy part of course, not bending him over would be the hard part.

"So the nosti have spells and runes that hold the energy. I suppose they aren't strong enough to channel it like you do or use it directly the way I do..." Noah trailed off, he drew his bottom lip between his teeth in concentration.

I got lost in thoughts of those lips on mine. I imagined the deep kisses I could share with Noah.

"You're a conduit, right?" my mind returned to whatever Noah was going on about.

"I don't answer dumb questions," I quipped with a raised eyebrow.

"Apparently you don't understand the meaning of rhetorical either," Noah challenged. He was getting feisty and a certain part of me was definitely on board with this version of Noah. "Runes, weapons, hell, anything nosti related holds power. Add Nikkals actual energy source, then you have one hell of an energy bomb."

I saw the plan light up behind Noah's eyes and I was terrified. Real fear, not the stupid petty shit I'd felt for so long after the abuse, gripped me. This was even worse than the fear I felt at the hands of my stepmother. Noah was talking about making himself into an energy bomb.

"No," the words came out like a strong command despite how horrified I was.

"Jason, you haven't even heard the whole.."

"Fuck you. I'm not going to be a part of that. All of the Nosti can die for all I care, I'm not channeling all of that energy into you. I'm not even sure I could handle it for the second it would be inside of me while it got to you!"

"I can handle it, so can you. The dark king isn't going to go away quietly. Maybe, that's the whole point of me being the source. I have nothing to lose and everyone else would actually gain so much if I sacrificed myself," Noah said calmly.

Typical, fucking typical. I got up and I had every intention of storming off angrily. The emotions swirling through me were already making me channel energy into Noah. His eyes darkened with that special high only I could give him.

I took a deep breath, "I'm scared of losing you, I understand that that's not fair but god dammit. Does anyone care about how I feel? You have a purpose and that's to put this conflict behind us and I don't get to tell you how to do that but fuck." I internally scoffed at how proud my mother must be at the restraint I was currently showing.

Noah smiled a little and nodded. Confidence radiated off of him and I knew I couldn't be the one to take that away.

"Let's go out tonight, we can go over into the next town and get some dinner. I'm feeling burnt out reading and training all the time," Noah offered.

"I'd like that," I mumbled.

Noah's POV

Honestly it had been a while since Jason and I had done anything not related to the conflict between the nosti and the werewolves. It was refreshing.

"When did you lose your virginity?" I was caught off guard by Jason's question.

"It was so embarrassing," I laughed at what I used to think was my most tragic memory. I shook my head, "I had started college and I'd been talking to one of the girls in my dorm building. At this point it had been weeks and my friends were all wondering when I was going to get some. I really didn't care about all that, I just liked being with her but you know... there was pressure to be all masculine and claim my territory according to the masculine bullshit my friends were spewing. Eventually I got a text that she wanted to come over that night and do it.

I got that text right in the middle of a taco bell feast. I started getting nervous. I love taco bell but I really might as well go throw the chalupas straight into the toilet if you know what I mean," Jason chuckled at that as he sipped from his beer.

"I'm running back and forth from the bathroom to my room so I can clean and get ready. By the time she got there I was so nervous I wasn't going to be able to clench my ass cheeks tight enough. I managed to survive through half assed foreplay and then a couple of strokes and then I felt it. Pressure was building and I couldn't stop it, I farted and my gosh I prayed with everything in me and out," I laughed, "that I didn't actually poop a little. I ran out of the room and just made it to the bathroom. I was there for so long that when I managed to come back she'd left.

I was so mortified I never spoke to her again. So that's the story," Jason was hysterical by now. Laugh lines danced on his face as he tried to pull himself together.

"I knew I shouldn't have asked," Jason gasped in between bouts of laughter.

I shrugged, "but you did." The rest of dinner was like that. We shared stories about ourselves that weren't sad and depressing, which was quite the change. The combination of greasy bar food and beer was making me feel good too.

By the time we got back to the main house I was ready to wind the night down, apparently Jason wasn't. "I'll grab some tequila," it wasn't a question, in no time he had the bottle in hand and we sat on the bench by our bedroom window sill.

Jason broke the silence first, "Don't you miss having a life outside of this? You were a therapist, engaged to be married and you just left all that." Jason poured us each a shot and we downed them. My stomach clenched at the drink's harshness. 

"How did you know that?" I asked perplexed.

"I talked to Nikkal about it," I raised my eyebrows at Jason's answer. "What? So you can snoop through my memories but I can't ask any questions?"

"Whatever, to go back to your question, I never felt like that was my life. I feel like I got lost chasing thelife I thought I wanted. It took coming back home for me to realize that I wanted something entirely different," my eyes flicked down to Jason's lips. I felt liquid heat travel down to my dick.

"If you start something you better finish it Noah," Jason's voice was low and raspy. I already felt his control slipping as he worked hard to keep the energy from flowing into me. 
Bang, bang, bang!

"Fuck! The werewolves are here!" Camden yelled through our bedroom door.

The moment broke and Jason and I jumped into action. My heart started pounding as my senses became heightened. The weres were going to win this battle. There's no way the Nosti could stay ahead of them if the dark king already knew about the missions. The dark king knew our every move.

Quickly we put on the gear we trained in. This was it.

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