I'm Yours

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Jason's POV

Noah, fucking look at me!" I grabbed him by his arms to force him to focus on what I was about to say. "I have to get you out of here. If you die, we've lost this and if they capture you.." I shook my head. "Don't lose me, we're getting out of here."

I threw on my backpack full of gear and unsheathed my favorite weapons. I released two twin blades, about the size of my forearm, out of their sheaths. They both had runes matching the ones tattooed on my skin.

Noah's POV

My heart pounded against my rib cage as Jason stepped in front of me and opened the bedroom door. I expected a bunch of people running or even a fight, but the hallway was eerily quiet. Jason looked to see if the coast was clear and then motioned for me to follow him.

I stayed close and thumbed the small knife at my waist as I followed Jason. It was pretty much my go to weapon to fight with, but it dawned on me that I was my weapon. I didn't need magic swords or knives, I had Nikkal's energy.

We stuck close to the hallways left wall and hastily made our way to a side door that the kitchen staff used. It seemed counterintuitive to go away from the front door to go to the kitchen, but the kitchen was closer to the parking lot for the cars at the Nosti compound.

I took a deep breath and focused on Jason's tattoo as we kept moving. The tattoo was swirling and shifting in time to the runes on his knives. Jason kept the knives in front of him ready to strike.

Eventually, we got to the door leading to the lot but we still couldn't hear anything. Jason waited before he opened the door for an audible sign to let us know what we would be walking into. Minutes went by before Jason opened the kitchen door, by then my hands were clammy and my anxiety was through the roof.

Bam! The door damn near came off of it's hinges as two of those Night King creatures lunged for Jason.

Jason did a quick side step. His right elbow went up and slammed into one of the creature's throats . A strangled screech ripped through the air and reminded me that I needed to move. Now.

Before silence could return, the other creature kicked Jason, landing a massive blow to his stomach. He flew back, but caught his footing with help from a kitchen counter.

I unsheathed my knife, and consciously let Jason feed me Nikkals energy through our connection. Then I ran towards the two scariest things I'd ever had to face.

I built up an energy ball in my right hand as my left carried the knife and then I threw the energy ball into the creature, but all the bastard did was smile. The ball of energy seemed to stop in its tracks when it hit the creature, then the black suit started to surround my energy ball and engulfed it.

Wasting no time, the creature rained a series of hits I wasn't prepared for, it's suited arms reached out and a sequence of hand movements confused me. I felt the energy barreling towards me before I ever saw it. In a half assed attempt, I threw up a shield and jumped out of the way of the attack.

I landed hard into a kitchen cabinet. Pain spread from the point of impact and almost took the wind out of me. Looking up, I watched the strange flicker of the creature's mask and felt genuinely terrified.  Intermittently the mask obscuring its features gave way to its dilapidated face, like a bad glitch. The mask and maybe the suit was an illusion?

I took stock of the situation. Energy balls won't work. I can't heal the creature. I've got a knife. My mind was racing to find a way to defeat this thing. I got back up and the creature approached me again. I let the energy of Nikkal really inhabit me. Every part of me felt electrified and ready to do some damage.

I threw the knife on the ground and imagined Nikkals energy as a whip extending out of my right hand. No sooner than had I imagined it, it was in my hand.

I extended the whip with a hard flick of my wrist. The creature tried to dodge it but I imagined the whip extending further. I felt the energy whip finally connect with the creature. The edges on the whip were essentially a saw blade and in one smooth movement, I pulled the whip across the creature's neck and down across it's torso. Chunks of black ripped away from the suit and black liquid oozed out of the gashes I'd created.

The creature grabbed the whip I'd created and yanke it, pulling me towards the hideous thing. I thought I was done for and then I saw a blade puncture through its neck. Black liquid squirted into my face like a fine spray, the blade lurched back and exited the creature's neck. Another blade side swiped from the left and took the creature's head off.

I watched the head fall down onto the kitchen tile. The mask was flickering even more frantically than before. Jason's face was coated in black liquid and his mismatched eyes were wild with the raw power he was harnessing. I briefly noticed that both the creatures were dead and disintegrating on the kitchen floor.

Jason ran out to the parking lot so I followed him. My heart sunk as I saw the scene that unfolded before me. Bodies of weres and Nosti were on the ground. Various Nosti were still fighting off weres and all of the cars in the lot had tires that were slashed.

This didn't add up. I was still alive but again, I had the nagging feeling that I shouldn't be. If the dark king wanted me dead, what's really stopping him from killing me?

"I surrender!" I yelled.

No one stopped fighting each other. I took a deep breath, "IM FUCKING SURRENDERING! Take me to the dark king!" I screamed.

Two of the same creatures we had just fought appeared from nowhere. With wild eyes and complete shock taking over his face, Jason grabbed my wrist and yanked it so hard I thought he'd never let me go. I stared at Jason and silently pleaded for him to understand.

Jason must have gotten the message... maybe he just trusted me. With steely resolve, Jason turned to the creatures, "I'm not letting you take him without me."

Nate's POV

Noah is being brought back to the werewolf compound. I'm counting on you to play your part if you ever want to see your father again. I'll even take away Kally's withdrawal as a gift.

The dark king had been talking to me from the other side, trying to entice my loyalty. He knew that I still felt things for my father, Kally and even Noah but it was getting harder to care. A part of me wondered how long I'd still feel like myself since whatever was pumping through my system was robbing me of real emotions. How long would I still care about my family and friends? The dark king seemed to think that I was still motivated by my love for them though.

To describe what it felt like after my initiation with the dark king, was no easy feet. My bloodthirst was up, rage up and general levels of "not giving a shit." It was like any other emotion was slowly getting locked away somewhere. The most fucked up part was that I still knew what I should be feeling. I knew that Kally writhing in bed and drenched in a cold sweat was supposed to make me feel sad.

I knew that Noah coming back was supposed to make me feel scared.

The apathy I felt for life was continuously creeping in with the power I felt from the dark king. Everything was so cold.

Noah's been captured, Nate. I think it's time you go to the great hall and wait with Delenae.

Authors note:
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read so far. I wrote the story a long time ago and I honestly thought I'd never finish it but you guys motivated me. ❤️❤️

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