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Nate's POV

Noah tried his best to pry information from his uncle but the man seemed hell bent on keeping his secrets.

"You'll have all the answers when you come home with me," uncle Flynn would assure Noah.

I noticed that Noah hadn't said he would leave out loud and I knew why. Noah might have thought that he could sell Martha's house but I knew better. He would have put off listing the property and then months would turn to years. Well, if we lived in a perfect world without werewolves.

In the face of uncle Flynn's silence, Noah gave up and retreated into the attic. Blizzard conditions continued outside, effectively locking us in as Flynn busied himself gathering things we might need to escape.

I had heard things about the younger brother. Flynn had fled when Martha and Ben needed him the most, at least that's how Ben saw it when I spoke to him in prison. For him to show up now had to be Martha's doing.

I opened up myself to Flynn's thoughts but got nothing. I sensed that there was magic protecting him. Slowly I tried getting through the mental block but all of a sudden my body flew back.

Sharp pangs of pain danced all over my back as I slumped against a bookcase.

"I never liked that when your father did it," Flynn growled low. I wasn't sure if the flash of teeth was instinctual or something he learned from the werewolves.

"Noah is my number one concern if you jeopardise him then you're just a casualty," I warned as my body naturally slipped into a fighting stance.

Flynn grinned, "Good, remember that tomorrow."

"What's happening tomorrow?" I asked.

"They're coming for me, right? The werewolves?"  We both looked up the stairs to see Noah. In his eyes I could see resignation and I felt for him. He was going to leave his home and trust an uncle he barely remembered.

"Flynn, you should take a look at the books in the attic. Some of them might be worth taking." Noah said before disappearing from the top of the stairs.

I watched Flynn leave the supplies he was packing to go help Noah with the books. I was relieved to have the guy out of the room and I had no idea why. I decided that if I couldn't trust Flynn then I'd take Noah far away from here.

Packing my stuff was a bit more difficult because I had to get back to my house. I bundled up as well as I could and headed out into the blizzard. Wind whipped snow into my face, chilling me to the bone. A five minute walk turned into ten minutes of frozen hell.

When I reached the door I struggled to pull the thing open but finally it got loose. I managed to open it wide enough to fit through and slip inside. I hadn't been home for what felt like forever. Flipping on the switch I sighed at the dishes I'd forgotten to put away.

"I'll be back," I whispered.

It took about 20 minutes to get a duffle bag packed and I was out of there. The walk back was much of the same wintery bullshit. It took me a while to notice that there were faint tracks in the snow leading to the back of Noah's cabin.

My legs started struggling to cut through the snow as I attempted to run to the house. Adrenaline added to my urgency to get to Noah. I stumbled to the door and pulled it open.

Noah's POV

Flynn carried the bag we had filled with my mother's personal papers and journals. Apparently the Nosti camp we were going to had copies of the books that were in the attic.

It was hard not knowing if I was going to return but it was comforting to know that I was going to a place with people like me. Excitement surrounded the possibility of getting stronger and learning what I could do.

"Grab a weapon," Uncle Flynn yelled as the back door flew open letting in snow and the cold wind from outside. Two masked people entered the house and instantly started to spar with uncle Flynn.

I was so stunned I just watched in shock as one figure drew two long daggers and attempted to stab Uncle Flynn. He dodged it easily and managed to grab the fireplace poker. Uncle Flynn sidestepped another attack, the curved hook of the poker hooked onto the dagger and he used it to pull it away from the intruder.

I started panicking because I'd lost track of the other intruder. A deafening blow to the back of my head sent me flying into the floor. Confusion had me staring up at my attacker and for a brief moment I could see a grotesque face of rotting flesh and bone. Like an illusion the image flickered and disappeared leaving the mask of the person I wasn't so sure was a person.

Quickly, I got to my feet and started backing up. I looked around trying to find something that could protect me. There wasn't a thing close to me!

The kitchen was the obvious answer but that meant I had to get passed the creature. I had no confidence in my ability to do that.

Noah I'm using myself as a conduit so you can channel the energy through me.

"But how?"

You know how. Deep breath, relax and open yourself up.

Well fuck it if I was going to ignore anyone with a solution at that point, even if it was a voice in my head.

I breathed and tried my best to not think about the series of punches coming in my direction. I danced around the creature, trying to get out of the way while simultaneously trying to relax. Naturally I did none of those things effectively.

The fact that I wasn't dead yet meant the sick fuck was playing with me. Then something changed, a massive blow sent me barreling into the floor in a second. I clutched my abdomen struggling to draw air into my lungs. Tears pricked my eyes and my vision was fading fast. In one last attempt I reached out with my other hand and nothing happened.

A wicked demented laugh sounded from the thing in front of me.

"Now I can kill you since I know for sure that Martha didn't waste her magic on such a pathetic.."

Black liquid spewed from the bottom of the creatures mask, pushing through its fabric and spraying all over me.

The thing writhed and fell to the floor revealing Nate behind it. I've never been so fucking relieved and then the  world went black.

I woke up warm and cozy. I pried open my eyes and found myself in a car that I didn't recognize with my head in Nate's lap. He was absent mindedly stroking my hair in the back seat as uncle Flynn was driving. I moved to sit up but the pain in my stomach had me plopping back into Nate's lap.

"Stay put and rest. This trip is going to be a slow one," uncle Flynn reassured me from the driver's seat. I looked out through the windshield ahead and wondered how he was even driving through the chaos outside. The blizzard hadn't let up at all.

I thought back to the fight and how helpless I felt. It was shitty, knowing what you were supposed to be capable of and knowing you weren't there yet. If it wasn't for Nate and my uncle...

"What happened to the creature you were fighting uncle Flynn?" I asked.

"It disappeared when Nate killed the other one. If Nate wasn't one of the priestess's servants that thing would have sensed him and killed him and then turned around and killed you just as fast. We need to get to safety."

I couldn't argue with that logic. I could sense that Nate was deep in thought so I didn't disturb him. Instead, I focused on the soothing movement of his fingers in my hair and drifted to sleep.

The blinding sun reflecting on the snow is what woke me up. The storm had settled and the car was stopped in front of a house. No one was in the car with me which made me a little uneasy. I carefully sat up feeling only a little pain. I took off the blanket draped over me and got out of the car.

I had just reached the front steps of the house when the door opened. Uncle Flynn was grinning at me.

"I didn't want to disturb you so I left you in the car. You ready to meet your people?"

Well if I wasn't, I am now, I thought.

There was no turning back.

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