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I swear everything in this town was named after the town itself. The Sunset Valley General Store was a small, beaten up cabin type building. It didn't have everything, but it had enough food to live by. I could easily spend an hour in here with my parent credit card (which I had with me). And by the time I got out, carrying only two bags with necessities, kids from school were already roaming the streets.

Hey, J, do you mind meeting me just behind the General Store? I really don't want to go home, or anywhere near it. I asked as I started around the building.

Yea, sure, that's fine. It'll be a little while. He replied suspiciously.

Okay. Hey! Can you bring my notebook? Please! I begged.

I could imagine his smirk. Hm... well...let's see... I don't know. What did you say was in it? Stories? Poems? Work?

Stories... I reluctantly answered as I slipped back into the trees.

Can I read them?


Are they about me? He snickered.

No, I hadn't met you yet! I exclaimed, searching for a clearer spot in the woods without thorns or low branches.

Aw, dang... you do realize I'm reading them, right?

No! No! No! No! I begged. Please, don't! Wait... I sighed, never mind. Those aren't my personal ones. Ah, Thank God. When I found a pretty nice spot, I leaned against one of the bigger trees and slid to the ground.

Haha, he laughed.

I didn't respond. I was too busy thinking, and I didn't even know how to respond. Instinctively, the wall around my thoughts went up and I brought my legs up to my chest. I closed my eyes and rested my head on my knees, relaxing for a while.

My thoughts drifted to Jake and Joshua. Josh was by far the cutest boy in school-at least to me. Jake was cute to, but it's so different when you've grown up with that same boys. Normally, in schools people move away and new people come. Not in Sunset. No one had enough money to move away, and no one wanted to come here if they even knew about it. Josh had to be one of the first kids I know that I didn't go to preschool with. I was lucky that he talked to me, especially with Destiny having her eye on him. Maybe I should just stay away from him. I thought. It would get me less beatings, but then I would just be that lonely nerd in the back again that no one talks to. Besides, Destiny would make up something for Father to get mad at me anyways. But it couldn't hurt to be a little more cautious.

A twig snapped, breaking my train of thoughts. My head lifted up instinctively to find my wolf. I glanced around, but I couldn't find him. Yes, normally a wolf would've been hidden in the foliage, but this was no normal wolf. He had a human mind, and he knew how to use it. A motion in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I froze; a gray wolf with a blue tint to his coat bared his teeth at me as he slowly circled the tree. He was not a large wolf, but not small either. He was obviously too big to be a female, but his teeth were the only thing I really cared about. His eyes were blue too, and it suddenly occurred to me that this could be a werewolf too; one of J's pack. His eyes were darker than J's, and he was staring at me with hunger imbedded deeply into them. It wasn't the type of hunger for food, no...it was lustful. He still circled me at an angle where each step brought him that much closer to me. There was something else in his eyes; mischief. For what, I didn't know. I watched him with cautious eyes, unmoving, because I couldn't. His ears flickered and I swear the corner of his lips picked up in a smirk. Suddenly, he stopped, and sniffed the air. Growling, his eyes caught mine and he leapt, his jaws opening.

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