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I found myself smiling as I stood over the stove, stirring the mashed potatoes one more time to make sure they were ready. Suddenly the back door opened and Josh walked in, holding a plate of grilled chicken. "Yum," I commented without my permission. It was like my mouth and body had a mind of its own. I couldn't help but notice the ring on Josh's hand, and the matching one on mine. I glanced up to study him, and I found him to be older… only by a few years. He seemed more… mature in a way. He was definitely older. He came towards me, setting the plate on the counter and leaning in to kiss my cheek.

"Yer an amazin' cook, darlin'," he commented, inhaling the heavenly scent of the potatoes. "But we both know my grilling is so much better."

I shot him a glare and stuck my tongue out at him. "You love my cooking."

"Yes," he agreed, taking the plate and heading for the table. "Especially when I'm not helpin'."

He set the plate down in the middle of the table and I followed him with the pot of potatoes. As I set it on a pot holder, I noticed a small body at the end of the table. I gasped, drawing back. The little boy squealed at the sight of me, throwing his cubby little hands in the air. His mouth was wide in a smile and two little teeth gleamed back at me. A roll of drool slid out of the corner of the baby's mouth, but he didn't seem to care or notice. He just squealed again.

"Brett's hungry," Josh commented, appearing by the baby's side with a small blue bowl of mashed potatoes. He set it on the high chair that the child was in and placed a soft kiss on the baby's head. My heart warmed at the sight, but I was still very much confused. Did he say Brett? As in my number one baby name?

"Who?" I asked dazedly, staring blankly at the kid.

Josh raised an eyebrow and straightened. "Our child?" he replied, gesturing to the baby. Ours? I thought. Ours… "Brett Reese? Ya know, he's about four months old, the youngest and only boy…"

"Of course," I lied, blushing. Brett screamed happily and made a grab for the bowl, but Josh had put it just out of his reach. The baby groaned and stretched, his chubby little fingers trying so hard to reach the food. "I just thought you said something else."

"Right…" Josh said, making his way around the set table. "I'll go get True."

True? I thought. It couldn't be… True Justice was also a name I had picked out for a child. Just then Josh walked in holding the hand of a dark haired child a little younger than Hanna was. She wobbled slightly on her feet and clutched the hand of her… father. She glanced up suddenly, and I gasped. It was like looking in a mirror. Although her straight brown hair only reached her chin, I recognized those brown eyes immediately as my own. I felt myself smiling. "Momma!" she said, letting go of Josh's hand to stumble her way towards me. She fell into my legs and covered it up as a hug.

Smiling, I bent down to take her in my arms. She frowned suddenly, pinching her nose. "Brudder stinky!" She commented, pointing at the baby with her free hand. Brett giggled, chewing on his fist.

"It's your turn!" Josh and I both screamed at the same time, although I truly had no idea whose turn it was.

Josh glared at me, his mouth pressed firmly and I could tell he was trying not to breathe deeply. "I did it last time. It's your turn, darlin'."

I pouted, giving him the puppy dog eyes. "But I just cooked dinner!"

"So did I," he said, his jaw dropping.

I blinked up at him. "Please?"

"Daddy's turn!" True giggled. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"

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