Josh POV chapter 2 bonus

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I couldn't sleep. I couldn't think about anyone else but her. Her hair, her eyes, both the same milky brown. Her lips, forming a perfect O as they parted. Her long, slender fingers as they curled in the dirt. Her smell wafting off of her in waves-I couldn't get it out of my head. The way her fingers ran through my fur, the electricity that ran through my skin.

So I went back.

I snuck out to go back to that spot.

Now, I held her notebook in my hands, staring down at it. My fingers flitted through the paper, and I caught bits of writing.

"Josh," Iya's voice startled me, and I hid the notebook back under my mattress. "C'mon! We gotta go!"

I grumbled under my breath, but my heart started up like it did when I thought of her. Maybe she went to the same school. Maybe I had classes with her. A shiver ran through me. I hoped so.

"Alright!" I called down to my cousin. "I'm comin'!"

I grabbed my binder and started downstairs. A tiny hand grabbed mine, and I looked down to find Hanna beside me. "Joshywa, where y'all goin'?" she asked in that sweet little voice.

"I gotta go ta school, picnic. You know that." I replied, squeezing her hand.

"Alwight," she sighed. "I be waitin' for wa."

I ruffled her hair, smiling. "Bye, picnic. Love you."

"Wuv wa too, Joshywa." She said as I rushed out the door after Iya.

She was waiting by the front door of the SUV, smiling widely. "Can I drive?"

I rolled my eyes. "No," I said automatically, reaching behind her to pull the door open.


"No," I said.

She sighed angrily. "Can I at least sit up front?"

"But I wanna sit up front!" Levi whined as he ran out of the house, his backpack thumping against him. "Josh, that's no fair!"

I flashed a glare at Iya. "You are so childish," I growled.

"I wanna sit up front!" Levi whined, stamping his foot on the ground behind me.

I squeezed the bridge of my nose. "Fine, Levi." I snarled.

He made a squealing sound and ran to the other side of the car. Iya groaned and slammed the door shut. I rolled my eyes again before slipping into the driver's seat.

"I'm nervous. Are you nervous? I mean, I've never been the new kid. Have you been the new kid, Josh? No, a course not, you've always fitted in with everyone. Always the popular kid..."

Iya went on and on for the whole ride. At some point, Levi and I stopped listening, and he was glad to get out when I dropped him off. Still, she went on, wishing Levi good luck, and I zoned out again.

That's when I saw her. The car lurched forward as I slammed on brakes, earning the blare of horns. She walked across the parking lot, her head down, staring at the ground. I sighed wistfully, involuntarily.

Iya leaned forward in-between the seats and eventually climbed into the passengers seat. "That her?"

I would've shot a glare at her, but I was too mesmerized by her. The way she walked, the way her hair fell down past her shoulder blades; everything. "Yes," I breathed.

Iya nodded in approval. "She's cute."

Now I did shoot her a look. "She's mine."

She rolled her eyes. "Move the car."

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