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I shook my head, clearing my head of the stupid nonsense and took off the dress. It landed in a heap on the floor, leaving me in only jeans and his sister's undergarments. I shivered from the cold, knowing that only a thin piece of wood separated me and Josh. Quickly, I pulled on the shirts, hating the uncomfortable feelings sprouting in my stomach. I'm not sure whether the ache in my chest was good or not, whether they meant good or bad or our… 'relationship'.

I closed my eyes and shook my head furiously, ridding my head of the meaningless thoughts. I chewed my lip as I straightened my shirt, fixing the little fly-away strands of hair. I picked up the dress, hanging it up on the hanger and draping it over my arm. I left the other dresses hanging up, not feeling like putting them back. I opened the door to see a smile spread across Josh's face. He held out his hand, opening and closing it. "C'mon, let's go pay for that, and whatever else those two have decided on."

Clearing my mind of everything I was thinking, of every fear that was running across my mind, I took hold of his hand, loving it when he pulled me closer to him. I took that extra step, placing my hand on his shoulder, standing on my toes to capture his mouth. He was surprised at first, but it wasn't long before his hand rested on my hip. He pulled away before it went too far, smiling widely. "You should do that more often." He said, squeezing my hand.

I slid my other hand off his shoulder, swinging our entwined hands back and forth. "I'll keep that in mind."

His eyes glanced down to my lips. "Oh, you better." He threatened, his eyes narrowing and a grin pulling at his mouth.

I punched his chest lightly, smiling, but trying to hold it back. "Don't threaten me, Joshua!" I scolded, beginning to say something, but his lips cut me off.

When he pulled back, I kept my eyes closed as a smile crept up. "Don't make a habit of interrupting me w—" but he was already claiming my mouth as his own.

"I can't help it." He breathed after the short kiss. "I love the way your lips move as you're talking. I love the way you bit your lip without even knowing it. It makes me want to kiss you, and ya know… I just have to."

I smiled, red shading my cheeks as I studied his eyes, as the force of what he said really hit me. "Fine, but you can't do it every sentence I say."

His eyes were grazing my lips again. "What?" he said, his eyes snapping to mine as he realized that I had spoken.

I chuckled, shaking my head in slight disappointment. "Never mind."

He stared at me for a while, but shrugged. "Iya and Coffeeblue are probably waiting for us. Let's go before they come in here." He raised an eyebrow, smirking.

I frowned, not even realizing I was. "Fine." I said, pouting.

He smiled, leading me out of the dressing room. Immediately, Iya and Coffeeblue came running up to up, Coffeeblue holding a stone necklace. "Wouldn't this go great with her dress?!" she exclaimed, slightly jumping up and down with excitement. "Oh, and we have the perfect shoes you could wear! This is going to be so much fun!"

Iya grabbed Josh's other hand. "C'mon!" she practically screamed. "Let's go pay for everything!"

"Us?" Josh said, reluctantly following them. "More like I'm going to pay for everything."

She shrugged. "That's not our problem. You're the one who wanted to practice with the budget and stuff." She said, sending him an innocent smile.

His eyes narrowed. "It's my job. I'm gonna do it later anyways. Why not know how to do it?"

Coffeeblue glanced over her shoulder at him. "Exactly. So stop complaining, silly!"

He stuck his tongue out at her briefly, glaring. His eyes immediately softened as soon as we approached the counter. He put everything on the desk, glaring at the two sisters. "This is all for y'all. I hope you're happy."

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