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I pictured myself standing up to my father, standing after so many times he'd knocked me down. My breath caught in my throat as I imagined his face as I stood, becoming the better, stronger person; maybe not in physical strength, but in mental. I turned to Josh, sure that my stunned expression was still plastered on my face. "What's this song called?"

He glanced at me, noticing my sudden change in mood. "Stand by Rascal Flatts. They're a good band; plays music people can relate to. Why? You like it?" he reached over, turning it down slightly so the music wasn't bounding around in my head.

I nodded. "Yea. Kinda inspirational, ain't it?"

He burst into unsuspecting laughter. He ran a hand through his hand, smiling as he side-glanced me. I gave him a look. "What?" I asked, my face twisting in confusion.

He laughed against. "You," he answered simply. "You used ain't. I'm rubbin' off on ya, babe." He said; his voice was thick with an accent as he winked.

Heat rushed up to meet my cheeks. "Shut up." I muttered, repositioning the hat on my head so it covered my face.

He grabbed it off my head, just as I had done to him, and put it safely back on his head all with one hand. "Why did you take my hat?"

I pouted, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Because it matches my amazing sweatshirt," I urged, making a grab for it. "Give it back!"

He leaned away, chuckling. "No! Never! It's mine!" he dragged the words out, laughing as the truck swerved slightly. He frowned as the school came into view. "Aw, dang it! Iya and Coffeeblue beat us." He said irritably as he turned into the parking lot.

My heart dropped as I caught sight of them. "I am not looking forward to getting ready for the dance." I confessed lowly, slightly hoping he didn't hear.

He chortled. "I think I might be feelin' sorry for ya right now." He said as he glanced at me, giving me a million dollar smile.

I rolled my eyes, opening my mouth to say something, but only a shriek sounded as a loud bang! exploded from behind me. I jumped, clutching Josh's arm for support as I looked to find Iya's wild hazel eyes staring at me from the other side of the window. I narrowed my eyes in a glare as Josh snickered, rolling down the window. "How are we related?"

Her smile widened. "Because," she explained, "your daddy's brudder married my mommy and dey had me! So you're stuck with me whether you like it or not."

"False," He said strictly, beginning to roll up the window again. "I could get rid of you if I wanted to. Don't try me, little cousin."

"No you co—hey! Hey! Quit! Josh!" She whined, crossing her arms over her chest as soon as the window was closed.

I exhaled harshly, straightening up and brushing myself off. "She scared the crap outta me." I muttered, pouting. "That wasn't very nice."

Josh laughed quietly, kicking open the door. "C'mon, babe, let's go." He said almost as an afterthought.

"What is with you and these pet names?" I asked suddenly, following him. I found him sitting on the hood of his truck already with his cousins surrounding him as I rounded the car.

He shrugged as he caught my eye. "I saved ya a spot, sweetheart." The corner of his mouth picked up as he tapped on the hood beside him. I rolled my eyes, smiling as I jumped up next to him, feeling his arm wrap around my waist.

"Dawww!" Coffeeblue said, clapping her hands together as she stared at us. "Y'all are so cute!"

"Yea," Cormac agreed smugly, crossing his arms over his chest, "so are puppies. And kittens. And goldfish. Come to think of it, CJ, what don't you think is cute?"

"You," Coffeeblue replied, smiling sweetly.

"Aw, c'mon, man." Josh interjected. "You're just jealous you haven't found her yet."

Cormac's face twisted into slight anger. "I'm the oldest. I should've found her first." He said, straightening as he uncurled his arms, balling his hands into fists. Once again, their talk of her baffled me to no end.

Josh stiffened, his jaw clenched. "And I'm the al—"

"Josh," Iya warned, her eyes widening.

He merely glanced at her and then returned his gaze back to Cormac. "It doesn't matter."

"Of course it matters." Cormac snapped. "You've just never had to worry about anything like that. Everything's always been laid out for you. It was always when not if."

"What?" Josh questioned. "Cormac, what are you talking about?"

But Cormac had already left, and was stomping down the parking lot. Coffeeblue sighed, kicking the snow. "I'll go talk ta him..." she said, starting after him.

Josh frowned, relaxing again. "What's up with him?" he asked, glancing towards Iya.

Iya shrugged. "Who knows? He always has those days. He'll get over it."

"Yea," Josh said, sliding off the hood. "Hopefully someone'll knock some sense inta him." He took my hand, helping me down.

"So are you two..." she trailed off, pointing at both of, her eyebrow raised.

Josh grinned. "You guys are gonna have ta take her home." He said, completely blowing off her question. "I've got baseball tryouts after school, but I should be home in time ta get ready for the dance."

"Alright..." Iya eyed him, but she turned and headed for the school.

"Baseball tryouts?" I asked as soon as she was out of earshot.

He shrugged, making his way around me to reach into the cab of the truck. "I'm an athletic guy. Are you not wearing my sweatshirt?" he asked sarcastically, glancing at me as he pulled out my bag.

I glanced down, and blushed as I remembered it was a team sweatshirt from his old school. "Oh," I said, catching my bag as he threw it, "I knew that."

"Sure you did." He said, flashing a smile.

I made a face at him, smacking him with my carrier bag. "Don't doubt my skills, Joshua." I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh ho," he said, stepping towards me dangerously. "Is that a challenge?"

I squealed, taking off around the truck with him close on my heels. I ignored the sharp stabs of pain as he caught me, wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning. My screams turned into laughs before he set me down on the tailgate, cupping my face in his hands. I opened my eyes, finding him alarmingly close to me. My breath caught in my throat as I gazed into those dazzling blue eyes. Now that I was so close to them, I saw tiny golden specks littered around the pupil. "Ya caught me," I breathed.

"Yup," he agreed, inching closer, "and now you're all mine." I felt something being placed on my head; his baseball cap. A smile itched at my lips.

His breath circled around me, fogging my senses. I closed my eyes, leaning forward so our lips brushed. "That doesn't seem like such a bad thing."

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