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Mommy! We're home! I'm hungry!" Levi called as soon as he entered the two story yellow farm house. He flung his backpack on the couch and rushed through a large archway, screaming something about snacks and school. Iya soon followed him, dropping all of her stuff on the couch. It was a large living room with a country accent. The couch was an off white with pillows that pictured a large yellow rose. The chairs around it were similar, and a square white coffee table with glass stood in the middle. Plants were everywhere; large and small, in every empty space. Before I could study it further, Josh put our school stuff near Iya's and pulled me after his cousin.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" Levi whined, resting his chin on his hands, staring at who I believed to be his mother as she finished up the dishes.

She wiped her hands on the towel before coming over to wipe up the large, dark wooden table Levi and Iya were seated at away from the island in the middle of the kitchen. "I know, honey. You gotta tell me what you want."

"I told you I wanted cookies!" he crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, pouting.

"And I told you I wasn't going to make cookies." She replied calmly as she made her way back to the sink to wash the cloth off. Josh cleared his throat as we stood at the entrance to the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder and did a double take, her eyes widening as she glanced from me to Josh. "Oh," she raised her eyebrows, "Hello! Josh, ya think ya could warn a woman? The house is a mess!"

Josh scoffed, running a hand through his hair. "Yea, this place is a complete dump." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

She placed her hands on her hips and gave him an irritated look. "Yes, it is, and you're lucky I'm not making you clean it up." She hinted, raising her eyebrows.

"Starving here, if anybody cares!" Levi wailed.

Josh gave her a scowl. "This place is spotless!"

Levi coughed. His mother tossed the cloth in the sink and went to a pantry hidden by a door at the edge of the kitchen. As she rummaged through the food, she spoke. "And I'm guessing this is Danny?"

"Hungry," Levi moaned, leaning over the back of his chair, holding his stomach and pretending to die.

Joshua bowed slightly. "Yes, your madam." He said, putting on a slight British accent.

Iya giggled and his mother flashed him another cross look. "Go sit down, your royal Highness."

"Starving…to…death…" Levi gasped, half closing his eyes and staring up at the ceiling lifelessly.

"Au contraire," he said, heading over to the table, "wait…" he paused, "I don't speak French. What were we talking about?" The room burst out into laughter as I followed him to the table, where he pulled out a chair and gestured to it. No one noticed as Levi slipped from his chair, moaning and groaning. Josh nodded towards the chair as he locked eyes with me. Hesitantly I sat down just as Coffeeblue burst into the kitchen.

"I'm hooommmmeee!" she sang before catching sight of Levi. "Why is he on the ground?" she said, placing a hand on her hip and the other one pointing at Levi sprawled out on the floor. He was pretending to be dead, and he was doing well.

"Ah, who cares?" Cormac pulled a towel hanging from the counter next to him and twirled it. Coffeeblue yelped as he flicked it at her.

"Cormac, you jerkface!" she screamed, lashing out and punching him in the shoulder.

He raised an eyebrow, threatening her with the cloth. "You sure you wanna do that?" he twirled the cloth again, stepping towards her.

"Help!" she screamed, running around the island, using it as a shield from her twin. Josh finally sat down after watching the two. He leaned back in his seat and watched with a smile on his face. "You get away from me, you buttface!"

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