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 I felt his breath on my neck, and it was sending goose bumps up and down my body. His fingers' tickling my waist was almost unbearable. Remind me never to do this again. I thought to myself as I clenched my jaw. I wanted to give into him, but I knew I would just chicken out and leave him disappointed. And that would not be good for me.

The nearest town was about thirty minutes away, driving on a gravel road. The government didn't recognize us, so we never got new roads or anything like that. I had never really minded the longer drive; I liked it in fact. It gave me time to think and calm down. But this time I couldn't wait to get there.

We didn't have a mall anywhere near Sunset Valley; we called it the 'hall'. It was just a hallway with stores on both sides. The two biggest stores were on the sides, and there was a small movie theater sharing the same parking lot. The closest mall would have to be about an hour or more away; in another state.

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning against Josh's neck. I felt him stiffen before relaxing. I could see that arrogant smirk of his. Faintly, I could hear the beat of his heart and the sound of his breathing. I tilted my head so my bangs covered my eyes. Hesitantly, I fumbled around my waist in search of his hand before entwining our fingers together. I hid my smile with my hair and breathed in his scent. Wait, wasn't I supposed to be—my mind blanked as his lips brushed my forehead.

The rest of the ride went fast, with his thumb drawing circles on my hand. I didn't realize when the car stopped, but that was normal. But I did realize when Iya and Coffeeblue stopped singing. I peeked out through my hair to see the sign. I sighed, pressing my face further into Josh's neck and tightening my grip on his fingers. I felt the seat belt slid off of us, but I still didn't move. "Mm…" Josh hummed. "Danny, you better get up." He warned.

I groaned "Or what?" I mumbled lowly.

"Danny," he threatened.

I grunted, shutting my eyes tightly. Suddenly, his fingers brushed my waist, sending shocks up my body. What was he doing? His fingers kept going around my waist like that; making me giggle with the feeling he was sending though my form. I pushed at his hands, but he kept coming back. Finally, I screamed, sitting up and glaring at him. He smirked, shrugging. "Hey, it's fair to say I warned you."

"What were you doing?" I asked, glancing around to see the other three were leaning on the car, talking.

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I was ticklin' ya, duh." He said, his eyes telling me that everyone should know that.

I blushed, feeling stupid. "What's that?"

He mouth dropped open before he smiled. "This, of course." He lashed out with his hands, his fingers dancing around my waist. I screamed again, jumping out of the car to get away from him. He laughed, jumping out after me and shutting the door. "How come ya don't know what ticklin' is?" he asked seriously, his eyebrow raising in question.

I shrugged as his cousins came back over, saying nothing more on the matter. "Are you lovebirds finally ready?" Cormac teased, raising a corner of his lips in a smile.

Josh's hand found mine instantly. "Don't hate, man." He joked.

Cormac held his hands up in defeat. "Whoa, calm down, buddy." He winked, laughing.

While they were play fighting, I was staring at the building. I hadn't been here since I was little, believe it or not. My father never liked bringing me out in public, and I was often left alone when I was around six or seven, while he always brought Destiny with him. She was pretty, and I wasn't.

When Josh began pulling me along after him, squeezing my hand, I was brought back to my original thoughts. I had never been tickled before. My parents never touched me except for punishment, so I had never known any affection from them. "Hm…Where do ya wanna go first?" Josh's voice snapped me back to reality, making me redden. I shrugged. Of course they didn't know that there were absolutely no dress shops here. But they sure were lucky that the two biggest shops were clothes.

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