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Josh nodded. "Well, you gonna get in the car or what?"

I stayed where I was, crossing my arms over my chest. Why was he being such a jerk? I stood my ground, waiting for an apology. Normally, I wouldn't bother or care, but this wasn't him. I wasn't going to put up with it.

He sighed, rolling his eyes. Michelle chuckled. "I think she's mad at you. If I were you, I'd apologize."

His eyes narrowed. "Why? I didn't do anything. Besides, I'm not doing anything if she can't talk about it."

I bit my lip, choking on tears. He frowned, but didn't say anything. "I think she thinks you're being a jerk, Josh. I really think you should apologize."

"Psssh," Josh rolled his eyes again, sighing in annoyance. "And who are you to 'translate', huh?"

Michelle's jaw tightened and she rolled her shoulders back. "I was her best friend before and after she went mute, so I've known her a lot longer than you have."

Josh's eyes widened and his mouth parted open slightly. Just like that my anger evaporated and my hands dropped to my side. "Really?" suddenly he closed his mouth and his eyes hardened again. "And what does that have to do with me?"

I took a deep breath, biting my lip again so I wouldn't cry. I shoved my hands in my pockets and spun around, stomping to the car. "I should probably go now. Danny! Bye!" Michelle yelled after me. I couldn't turn back to wave at her, but I knew it would probably be the last time I saw her. I wiped a hand under my eyes.

Josh sighed loudly. "Danny! Danny, hold on!" a hand grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him. I wiped my eyes hurriedly with my free hand. "I'm sorry, Danny. I shouldn't have said anything that smell-it was making me irritable." He shook his head in disgust.

I stared at him confusedly. "Oh, right. You probably couldn't smell it, could you?" he said, gazing somewhere else. I shook my head, wondering what he was talking about, but didn't dwell on it for long. I turned around and walked as fast as I could without running to his SUV. I opened the door to the front passenger side seat, where Levi had already gone to the back and freed the seat for me. I smiled at him as I got in, but Josh was right behind me... I frowned at him to show him that I was still mad, but he did nothing in return.

But just as he was about to put the car in drive, he stopped and sighed. "Danny, I really am sorry. I know I've been a jerk these last couple a days, and I have no excuse for it. All I can say is sorry and hope that you'll forgive me." he glanced at me and pushed the car in drive. I stared at him, and then out the window. I couldn't help but think that maybe he was telling the truth, that maybe he was just having a bad day or something, and I obviously wasn't helping either.

"So, uh...Danny! Hey! Where were you yesterday?" Iya said suddenly form the back, leaning in between our seats.

Josh shot her a glare from the rearview mirror. "Iya! Isn't that exactly what I told you not to ask?" he hissed.

She rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Well, you never told me why." She hinted.

"Yea, well, I ain't telling you now." He hinted right back, shooting a smirk at her.

She sighed, disappointed. "Oh, well, I can just talk to Danny than."

He shot her another glare. "Can't you just get a hint, Iya?" he growled.

She smiled innocently. "I can, but it's much more fun to aggravate you."

This time he turned around to glare at her. "I mean it, Iya. Knock it off." He said in a new, more demanding voice.

She hmphed and leaned back in her seat. "Fine. You're such a party pooper, Josh."

"Yea, well, get over it."

"I'm telling Mom you ordered around Iya with your-" Levi began, but Josh but him off.

"Levi! Enough!" he growled. I looked down out of embarrassment and found Josh's hand lying on the little table in between our seats. I stared at him for a second and then back at his hand. He did that last time. Why was he doing it again? I didn't understand. I thought about yesterday, about how I thought I realized I love him. Could you still love someone when they cheated on you? I stared out the window as I thought about it. If he did it once, he could easily do it again. But why should I care? It's not like he was mine to control. We weren't dating, I shouldn't care. I should be avoiding him. Well, at least if I wanted to live. Of course, I could hang out with him all I wanted just to end this miserable existence of mine. And yet... I had promised him I'd go ad ride with him today after school. And out of all that... what was I most worried about?

I know it's short. But the next one will be nice and long

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