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If I had a choice…" He frowned. "Probably not. It's a lot of responsibility. Honestly, Imma little scared. If I mess up, it doesn't just affect me, it affects everyone—my family. But I can't back out now. The only thing ta do is embrace it, ya know? Be ready fer it. And I've got you.

"I'll be okay as long as I have you," he smiled, an emotion flashing through his eyes before turning away that I didn't get a chance to decipher it. Still, the comment made me blush deeply.

So Adam was wrong. I thought to myself. Josh doesn't really wanna be Alpha. Did that also mean that he was wrong about him using me? That he was wrong about him not loving me? Of course, it would make sense that Josh didn't love me. No one else had ever loved me before. Why would that all change now? And if Josh wasn't a werewolf or I weren't his mate, would I still have found him? Would I have found anyone?

Would I even be alive?

Josh cleared his throat, laughing nervously. "We're here, darlin'."

I glanced out the window to see Josh had parked in front of a casual yet fancy restaurant. "Yay!" I exclaimed. "I get ta start my questions!"

"Quietly," Josh added, looking behind the car before opening the door. "And don't ya dare open that door! That's my job!"

I snickered, my hand lingering on the handle as he glared at me from the street. "Don't make me come in there and climb over ya ta open it."

My eyes widened and I took my hand off the door. "Yes sir," I squeaked.

He smiled victoriously, winking at me before closing the door. A minute later, my door finally opened and Josh held out his hand for me to take. I did and he helped me step out of the large truck. "Ya know I wouldn'ta really done that, right?" he laughed as he intertwined our fingers and led us towards the building.

I glared at him. "That was not nice, mister!" I growled. "And definitely not a good start to a first date."

"Not a first date," he mumbled under his breath, but I still caught it.

"Would you rather not have a date at all?" I threatened.

"Yes ma'am," he yelped. "First date. This is definitely our first date."

I laughed, squeezing his hand. "Good boy!"

He shot me a glare. "No dog references."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll kiss ya on our 'first date'."

A challenge flickered in his eyes. "Go ahead," I accepted. "I'll bite you."

His eyes widened as he remembered the last time I had done that. "I can still handle 'a little nip'." He teased, winking at me.

I groaned, hiding my face with my free hand. "Sometimes I really hate you."

"Sometimes," he confirmed. "But not most a the time."

"That might change, wolf boy." I said. "Don't get all arrogant on me again."

"Again?" he asked, placing a hand over his heart to feign hurt. "I am not arrogant."

I scoffed. "Not just arrogant," I corrected, beginning to say something else before someone interrupted me.

"A table for two?" a waiter asked us. I hadn't even realized we'd entered the restaurant. The waiter stood at the podium, looking bored as he gazed at us for our response.

Josh nodded. "Yes."

"Right this way," the waiter swung his arm, gesturing for us to follow. I glanced at Josh warily as we began weaving our way through tables.

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