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A low, deep growl rumbled in his throat, and the spot on my stomach where he had laid suddenly went cold. His paw stayed where it was, though. My breathing spike but I kept my eyes closed. I knew I wouldn't be able to see anything anyways. I couldn't hear, but I knew he heard something. Is something out there? I whimpered, my eyes fluttering open. The only thing I could see was his radiant blue eyes staring off into the distant.

Maybe. I think so. He growled again, louder, the sound bouncing off trees. I froze as a different kind of cold settling over me.

A yelp answered him and he sighed irritably, plopping his head back on my stomach. Nevermind. It's just a… a member of my pack. He rolled his eyes, sighing again. Another, smaller wolf leapt on him, jolting him slightly, but he ignored it. Obviously a female, the lighter, golden wolf took hold of his ear, pulling. He growled, snapping his jaws at her, showing his teeth. She whimpered, her tail wagging back and forth slightly. Somehow, I knew they were exchanging a silent conversation. The other wolf glanced at me, her milky brown eyes swimming before dashing off into the woods.

I returned my gaze to J, who sighed, his ears flicking. What was that about?

My mother wants me home. He said scornfully, his eyes narrowing. Stupid, right? I'm alpha, and yet I still get ordered around by my mother. But I told her I needed ta take ya home first.

That was your motherI asked, scoffing.

His laugh filled my head and he closed his eyes, shaking his head. No! No. Can ya get up? He asked, standing.

I frowned, sitting up. I think I might. I probably should've iced it. It's gonna be so swollen. I'm gonna need to wrap it when I get home. I flinched automatically at that thought, sighing.

C'mon, I'll help ya up. He said, coming to stand next to me. I nodded, wrapping my arm around his neck and hoisting myself up. I hissed as a sharp pain shot through my leg and I leaned heavily on J until I stood up fully. I ground my teeth together, trying to take a step forward. I stumbled, falling on J again. I groaned, standing again, forcing myself to walk and bite through the pain. Neither of us said anything, and even if he had, I probably couldn't have answered him. I was too busy grounding my teeth together and trying to keep limping forward.

He stopped at the edge of the woods, looking forwards at my house. I visibly relaxed when I realized the lights were off. I can't go out of the woods in my wolf form. Unless ya really need me. Are you alright? He said, glancing up at me.

I sighed, closing my eyes. Yes. You can go now. Thank you, by the way. For saving me from him. I shuddered, waving at him as the corner of his mouth picked up and he disappeared into the shadows. When I was sure he was gone, I trudged forward, trying not to wince every time my foot hit the ground. I swallowed a groan as I limped up the stairs, opening the back door.

Glass shattered right next to my ear. I gasped sharply, ducking as the lights flicked on. "Where is she?!" My father yelled, stumbling forward to lean on the kitchen table, clutching a beer bottle in his hands. His eyes were clouded, narrowed and glaring at me.

"Where is she?" he growled again, flinging the bottle at me. I ducked, the drink breaking open on the closed door behind me, spraying me with the alcohol. What was he talking about? Glass shards fell on me, slicing my skin as they made their way to the floor. I flinched, shifting my weight to my good foot.

"Where the h*** is she?!" He yelled louder, taking my mother's vase from the table and throwing it at me. I jumped sideways, hissing as sharp pain flew up my leg.

His hands balled into fists at his side. "Where. Is. She?" He snarled, grounding his teeth together. He tried stepping around the table, but he tripped, grabbing the table for support. I finally raised an eyebrow, shrinking back from him. For the first time, I saw tears well in my father's eyes. He collapsed to the floor, sobbing. "She left." He cried. "She left me!" I stared at him in shock of both the fact that he was crying, and the fact that my mother had left us.

I'm The Alpha's ChallengeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin