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Love is something I've never known, never seen in someone's eyes, never felt through a passionate kiss or a kind action. But it is something I've dreamed about constantly. I missed my notebook. I missed being able to write whenever I wanted to, or felt the need to escape this world, or share a romantic moment with a fictional character. But I had lost that right when I left my notebook lying around in the forest and a certain werewolf had picked it up and taken it home with him, deciding to read it. I wonder how he thought they were, or if I sounded too desperate or clueless about love.

Because, honestly, I was.

I shook my head of the depressing thoughts and continued to wash my hair free of that milk Destiny decided to pour on me for no reason. After I stepped out of the shower, I pulled on some of the only skinny jeans I owned (Destiny had given them to me because she didn't want to throw them away or donate them because she thought she could fit into them again one day), and a bright blue one-shoulder shirt that my father stole from Destiny's closet and made me wear. I slipped on some flats and brushed my hair so it was stick-straight. I still had no idea where we were going, and Father wouldn't tell me.

I was getting scared, honestly.

I was scared he was taking me somewhere to join up with his friends to beat the crap out of me. But, then why would he want me dressed up? This was getting really weird. I had absolutely no idea where he wanted to take me with that big, frightening grin on his face.

"Come on, Danny! Get your ass out of the bathroom and let's go! I'm supposed to have you there by five!" he yelled, his fist slamming into the door. I yanked the last knot out of my hair and opened the door. He grabbed me by the arm and began dragging me out the door. I protested, pushing at his hands and dug my feet in the ground. He stopped, pulling me close to him and growled, "Stop struggling. You know as well as I do that you aren't gonna win. So I suggest you stop struggling, bitch."

I flinched at his words and bit the inside of my cheek. Tears filled my eyes but I willed them not to fall. "Get in the car," he said, letting me go and pushing me towards the front door. I stared at the ground as I pushed it open and slowly went down the steps. Without warning, his hand connected with my back, catching me off balance and sending me down the stairs. I put my hands out in front of me to break my fall. I groaned as I landed on the sidewalk just in front of our house. My hands and knees burned, and my father nudged me with his foot, chuckling. "Get up, let's go."

Hesitantly, I stood, wiped my hands on my jeans, and continued after him reluctantly. "C'mon! Hurry up!" he growled, sitting in the driver's seat with the car running. I sighed. I vaguely wondered if men had their time of the month too, because he sure was moody today. Maybe he was just bi-polar…

Grudgingly, I climbed into his truck and buckled myself in, only to find him burning out of the driveway while my door was still open. Quickly, I reached over and shut it before we actually got on the road.

My hands were trembling. I folded them in my lap and concentrated on getting them to calm down than where my father was taking me. I studied my nails, picking at the dirt that wasn't really there. I closed my eyes and imagined someone folding their own hands on mine, bringing them up to his lips and placing a soft kiss. I shook my head; it was stupid, these dreams I had going on in my mind. That I could actually have someone that was mine—someone to love. It was impossible for me; unheard of. It was crazy, thinking that someone might actually love me. Tears filled my eyes and I bit my tongue to keep from crying. I had learned a long time ago that crying did nothing but let loose stupid feelings that wasn't going to change anything. I had also learned that screaming didn't help either; it only urged people on, to keep hurting me. I didn't scream anymore when my family hit me, I only let them and then cried silently in my room without them knowing. Sometimes it would be really bad though, and I couldn't help but let loose one or two tears, like when Destiny had humiliated me in front of the whole school.

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