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"No." Josh growled simply, his voice muffled through the walls. I groaned to myself and pressed my face in the pillow, bringing the covers up and over my head.

"Josh…" Peter warned. "Ya can't stay home all day."

"I can," Josh hissed, "and I will."

"Joshua, go get ready fer school." Alpha said, his voice deeper and more… powerful.

Josh growled again. "Fine."

The door opened and closed, and Josh began to mutter to himself under his breath. The dresser opened and closed, and I peeked just in time to see him take his shirt off. He dug around before putting another shirt back on. I pulled the covers up again as heat shot through me, pretending I hadn't just been checking him out.

"Darlin'," his husky voice was suddenly right next to my ear and I squeaked, turning away from him. He laughed and tore the covers from my hands and came into my line of vision. "Alpha's makin' me go ta school, darlin'."

I gasped suddenly. "School! I-I need clothes, a toothbrush, a pillow—"

"Yer stayin here darlin'," he said, interrupting me. He furrowed his eyebrows at me and asked, "…a pillow?"

I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes and suddenly reached under the mattress. I eyed him strangely as he brought out a notebook, scratched up, dirtied, and torn, just like I remembered it. "You jerk!" I screamed, taking it as he offered it to me. "You've had this for how long?!"

He smiled crookedly. "Don't worry, babe. I didn't read nothin'."

I glared at him disbelievingly.

He blushed. "Okay, maybe a little. Yer a pretty good writer."

I groaned audibly and smacked his shoulder with it. He grabbed my wrist before I could slap him again and returned it to my waist. Without a pause, he leaned forward to press his lips to mine.

"What did you mean, I'm staying here?" I asked when he pulled away.

He frowned and straightened. "The doctor's ordered rest for a couple more days. No one's expectin' ya ta go ta school, darlin'."

I mimicked his expression. "Good…" I mumbled. "But… what am I going to do here without you?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. There are some movies around here somewhere, I'm sure you can find a pen. Umm… anythin', darlin'. What's mine is yours."

"What time do you think you'll get back?" I asked, glancing up at him and pouting.

"Late," he scowled. "I've got practice, and then a couple hours at the General Store. I'm sorry ta leave ya like this, darlin'."

I shrugged, but I already didn't like the idea of staying at his house without him. "It's fine."

He leaned down and trapped me in between his arms. I looked up to see his face inches from mine, and his musky scent engulfed me. "Ya ain't gonna miss me?"

I shook my head.

He came even closer, and my breathing hitched. "Not even a lil' bit?"

Again, I shook my head.

Closer. "What about now?"

"I don't know," I whispered. "Hearing you scream like a little girl last night was pretty rewarding."

He scoffed and pulled away, shaking his head in disbelief. "I wasn't expectin' it…"

"Expect the unexpected!" I screamed, jumping on his back as he turned away. "Alpha's must be ready for everything!"

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