2. Say 'NO' to bullying

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***STANVERSE 2016***

"Aubrey! There is a parcel for you!" Amanda called from the door, she was the new owner of the orphanage since Ms Miranda passed away twelve years ago in the fire. That was the worst day of my life. The day I had lost my sister, even her body was not found, it must have been totally gone or buried somewhere underneath. Although it has been twelve years since that incident and I was only five back then, the memory is still fresh in my mind just like it happened yesterday.

~Flashback ~

I was looking for Rose in the orphanage, it frightened me that I could not find her anywhere, I saw her in the morning but since then it is like she disappeared.  I sighed and was about go out to look for her when I got a glimpse of her blonde hair, she was not facing me but I could tell it was her. "Rose!" I called for her but she did not respond. My mouth opened again to call her but was interrupted with the fire alarm. Everyone came rushing out from their rooms heading for entrance. I tried to reach Rose but saw she wasn't there anymore. I was worried she might be crying, afraid of the chaos. She was so sensitive to these things. Maybe she already left.

A loud bang was heard and the fire spread from the kitchen to the main corridor, every one was in panic and was trying to leave the building as soon as possible. Ms Miranda and other staff members were helping the younger ones out. "Aubrey, go out hurry don't just stand here." Ms Miranda came to me and shoved me outside. I somehow managed to get out without tripping over the stuff that has fallen down and scattered. The orphanage was not too big, it was decent and small, which let the fire spread vigorously and fast.

I heard the fire brigade sirens in distance, the fire was getting out of control and some children and the staff members were still inside. In spite of being five year old I was keen to get them out of there but I could not, instead I resumed my search for Rose who was not anywhere near.

Minutes ticked by but I could not find her, I was getting worried as the seconds passed. Hours passed when the fire finally died down and was put out. At the end of the day we were told that Ms Miranda, including five children could not make it. They told me that Rose might be one of them because she was missing. My world shattered, I could not believe it, my sister, my only sister, I can't lose her! No I can't lose her, she was my only family left.

~End of flashback~

"Aubrey, you okay?" Amanda's voice brought me back to present, I looked at her and smiled, "Nothing, just spaced out. What is it this time?" I asked referring to the parcel in her hand. I've been getting them since last two months, this was the third. Some lady sends them to me and it's really strange why she does. There was a note attached to the first parcel only and since then I started to receive more of them. I get one every month. HonestlyI find it a little strange, why would someone buy all these things for me? It did not make aby sense. Although a note was attached to the first parcel,

Dear Aubrey,

I saw you at school for the first time. I had a daughter your age and the first time I saw you, you reminded me of her. Whenever I go shopping I buy something for you too. I know you don't have any family but I will be grateful if you accept these presents. I'm sending them with all my love, I hope you like it.

With love,

Teresa Maxwell

I wonder why I remind her of her daughter. The way she wrote it, it seemed as if her daughter has passed away, and she does this because she misses her. But it still does not seem right. I don't even know what this woman looks like if she really thought I resembled her daughter, she would at least introduce herself in person and tell me that instead of sending a note. It's strange how the things are just the way I like, maybe her daughter and I have the same taste.

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