10. Playing Detective

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“Whoa easy there Aubrey, you sure you’re not gonna break things inside my house?” Cameron was standing on the door step, not letting me in. This guy is such a pain! He knows I hate to get interrupted in whatever I am doing and right now he is
interrupting my entry in his house. Sure it was his house and I should not be pushing him with my bag to move him aside but he left me no choice. “The one thing I want to break right now, are your giant legs so you can’t stop me from going in!!” I said, continuing my struggle against him. He was tall, literally very tall and he was standing shirtless, with his six pack in front of my face; which was not helping the situation at all. I was sure my face was totally flushed right now. I was trying to push him with my hand bag to avoid any physical contact but the bastard here was not moving an inch. Damn it! He’s made of steel.

“I didn’t know you were that eager to break my legs, Rey. I could think of many different ways.” He smirks, crossing his arms. The nerve of this guy! I swear I’ll kick his ass when he’s sleeping, because I can’t do that when he’s awake. Where the hell is Kayla when I need her? “Shut up Cameron, and my name is not Rey!” I said annoyed, pausing my struggles against him, “What are you made of? Damn steel? You didn’t even budge from here!” I continued, breathing heavily. “I’m just stronger than you, Rey, and if you ask nicely I might let you inside in no time." he said winking at me. If he were not Kayla’s brother, I would have kicked his jewels and destroyed his future in no time.

An idea popped in my head and I inwardly smirked, knowing that this plan would definitely work. I took a deep breath and looked upwards smiling. He raises his eyebrows clearly confused. “Oh Cam, you are seeing me after so long and this is how you welcome me? I thought you’d be a gentleman when I’ll see you again.” I said moving closer to him and resting my hand on his chest, I felt his muscles tighten under my touch and I saw his jaw was clenched. It took all in my power to resist pushing him aside. The confusion was still evident on his face by my change of attitude.

“W..What are you doing?” he asked, I was not aware that I would affect him so much, I have never done this before, and I do not know why the hell I decided to do this right now. Yeah right, to get inside the house. I stood on my tip toes and my face was merely inches from his. I bis my lip and saw his eyes dart towards my mouth, for a moment I felt my heart hammer in my chest because of being so close to him, but my anger overpowered it so I did not lose focus. But instead, I pushed him which took him off guard and he stumbled back. I wish I could stay and watch him fall on his ass but I hurriedly ran inside the house,

“Making my way inside the house you freak! Now stay there.” I stuck my tongue out at him and closed the door.

Aubrey: 1

Cameron: 0

“I can’t believe you slammed the door in his face Aubrey.” Kayla said. We were sitting in her room and going through our plan of approaching Rose and bringing her back. “Yeah that douche bag deserved that.”I said, unpacking my stuff, I’ll be staying here for a while. “He’s very pissed, be careful when you see him next time. Cam can be dangerous, believe me.” She warns and I roll my eyes at her. She already knows I was equally as dangerous if I want to be, but she had to tease me anyway. “Save it Kayla. I’m not scared of him.” I retorted and fell on her bed.

I could not wait to see Rose again. Kayla suggested we must watch her from distance first and see what was going on, because it was highly unlikely that she would automatically open up to us in no time. And afterwards convince her to come back. I guess she was right, I have to know whether she wants to come with me or not. She left without telling me and never came to see me, although she remembered me and sent me presents but she could have told me she was alive. I did not  understand why she disguised herself. I thought she was dead, but she knew I was alive, she knew where to find me, yet she did not make any effort.

Kayla stood up and dragged into me with her.

“Whatever. Come on. I’ve found out where she studies. We’re going to her school right now.” She said picking up the car keys. Was she serious? How did she find out? “How we’ll enter her school. We won’t be allowed.” I asked lamely, she looked at me like I’ve grown two heads, “Aubrey, we’ll watch from outside; its eleven in the morning, the lunch break will start after twenty minutes and there might be a chance she comes out, we have to head there.” She explained and I found myself feeling stupid. She was right. I grab my phone but it was dead. I threw it back on the bed. I won’t be needing it anyway.

The school building was literally huge. I was not sure know how will I even find her in this maze. We saw two girls coming out of the building. One was a brunette and other had dark hair almost black. I pretended to talk to Kayla and walk around so they don’t notice us as outsiders. I was wearing dark rim glasses and a black wig to hide my identity, just to be careful. I did not want Rose to notice me neither did I want any of her school mates to mistake me as her. “There she is! She’s going there, come on.” Kayla whispered to me and I turned my head, instantly recognizing my sister. Her eyes casted towards the ground and her face held no expression or emotion. Her hands are fisted on her sides as she walked. We quietly followed her and hid behind the bushes when she stopped. It looked like we are at the backside of school building because I could see no one here. But why did she come here?

She just stood there and then I saw the same two girls I saw earlier. The brunette stood in front of Rose and held her by the collar of her shirt. My sister did nothing but look down, not meeting her eyes. She clenched her cheek between her fingers, and then pushed her hard. Rose stumbled back but managed to keep her balance. I was about to go and beat the living daylights out of the bitch who dared to touch my sister but Kayla stopped me, “Are you crazy! You can’t go there!” She whisper yells and holds my arm firmly. I had no choice but to watch the scene unfold. The bitch said something to her which I could not hear and Rose bended down on her knees.

She went behind her and kicked Rose on her leg then grabbed a hand full of her hair. I watched in shock and anger. My hands were balled into fists and my eyes are fixed on my sister. I was burning with rage and all I wanted to do was beat the shit out of that bitch! “I’m going to kill her for daring to bully my sister!” I said to Kayla in a harsh tone. She engulfed me in a hug and tried to calm me down but I was far from that. My heart ached at the sight in front of me and a huge wave of guilt washed over me. Rose was going through this all alone, I wonder how long she has been enduring this unfairness. That bitch was going to pay a really high price for this! “We’re going to bring her back, Aubrey. She’ll be safe then.” Kayla says and grabbed my hand.

I saw those bitches snatching money and some papers from my sisters hand and going back when Rose stood up. She fixed her dress and hair before picking up her bag and leaving like nothing happened. How long has she been like this? We follow her until I see a guy approach her. And for the first time in twelve years I saw her smile. She was actually smiling after what happened to her.

“Who is he?” I asked Kayla and she shrugs. “Don’t know. But it seems they are close.” She said and I nodded in agreement. He must be close to her or else she would not be so comfortable with him. They talked for a while until she excused herself and walks out of the school.

I see the boy looked at her confused before turning away. Where is she going? Kayla’s phone rang and she cursed under her breath seeing the text message. I looked at her and silently asked about the matter. “Dad wants me home immediately. I'll tell him I can't.” She told me and sighs. “It’s okay. You go ahead, I got this from here. And take the car with you, I won’t be needing it.” I said to her and continued following Rose, far behind. I could see her blonde hair from afar and all I wanted to do was hug her and tell her how much I missed her for all these years. I wanted to comfort her that she was not alone and she was so much more than she gave herself the credit for. I did not notice Kayla was talking to me, “Will you be okay?” She asked and I nod my head shoving her away. “Go before Nicholas gets angry.” I said and increased my pace leaving Kayla behind and concentrating on Rose.

AN: Thank You for reading!
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