5. New life

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On a Friday evening I was in my room doing homework when my phone rang, it was Laura.

"Hello" I answered the call, getting up from my regular study table. "Hey Rose, I was wondering if me and Em can come over to your house for a sleepover. Is that okay with you?" she asked, I was surprised. A sleepover? I never had any sleepovers with friends, I mean I had only stayed over at Ash's house a couple of times. It was just normal movies night or some football video games that were his favorite. since Ash was a guy so I was on guard most of the times. I always wished to have girl friends to do all the crazy stuff I can not do with Ash. A huge smile crept to my lips and I immediately said yes to her. "Of course you people can come for a sleepover, I'll be glad to have you here." I said still smiling like a five year old who got her favorite candy.

"Great! We'll be there in an hour. Bye, see you then." She said, I could hear the excitement in her voice, hell I was excited too! I cut the call and called mom, she was still at work and will not be back till nine. She's the managing director at an advertisement agency, she's usually works late on Fridays so she could get to spend the weekend with me. I hurriedly cleaned my room, which was already quite neat. My habit of cleaning things came from Aubrey, she and I helped at the orphanage to organize the reading room. We both loved to read, it was one thing we had common in our personality traits. 

The door bell rang and I went downstairs to get the door. Laura and Emily stood there with two plastic bags in their hands. "What's that?" I asked and they both grinned, "We brought some snacks for the night and some movies." Emily said as they came in. They have been to my place several times before, for finishing projects and school stuff but this was the first time they came to hang out with me.  I could not be more happy about it. I'm glad they don't find me creepy and strange because that's what everyone else thinks. Laura is really smart and beautiful, I wished I was a little like her, more confident and intelligent. She is the class president at school and always ranks first in every exam while Emily follows her behind securing the second rank, she is a bit rude sometimes but we just let it pass. They both are much alike and I'm not surprised they get along so well.

"Hey girls, what movie do you want to watch?" Emily asked once we made ourselves comfortable in my room. "Umm I'm okay with anything." I said and Laura patted my back, "Girl. You need to get a life, come on we only live once. You pick a movie this time and do not be nervous. We're friends, Rose. You don't have to be afraid of us." Laura said and my heart warmed at her words. she seemed a little intimidating ever since I met her a month ago, but I'm slowly getting used to it. I really made friends and now it was time for me to fulfill that friendship. I won't be afraid anymore. 

I picked Mean girls and played it on my 50 inch screened LED. The girls grinned like a Cheshire cat. "That's my girl." Emily said giving me thumbs up, I laughed and picked up the pop corn bowl before making myself comfortable with them on my bed. 

We danced, sang, watched movies and shared some secrets with each other. Mom came shortly after nine o clock. We had dinner together, all four of us and then we resumed our wonderful time. It was so far the best sleepover I ever had, not that I had any like this. It was different with Ash maybe because he is a guy, but today I felt alive and living and free.

I just wish I fit in with them, and I hope that my life changes for good. I finally made friends who care for me. Ash had been my only friend for all these years, I can not be more thankful to him for not making me feel lonely and depressed. He was always there for me even when I wished he wasn't. And now Laura and Emily have also entered in my small world as friends and gave me hope that maybe I'm not so bad, maybe I can make my life better and maybe I can break the walls I build around me since my childhood.

The following morning when I woke up it was already 8 o clock. We slept late last night so I was still exhausted from all the loud music and dancing, it was like we three were having our own small party. I saw Laura sprawled over the couch while Emily was fast asleep beside me on the bed. I really liked these two and last night was one of the best nights.

I showered and got ready. It was Saturday so I did not have to wake them up so soon, they might be tired. As for me, I can't sleep past eight in the morning, no matter how late I slept it's like the sleep wears off once its eight o clock. Just as I was opening the door Ash came in. "Good morning flower. I knew you'd be up so I didn't bother..." he stopped mid sentence when he saw Laura and Emily fast asleep. He looked at me and lifted his perfect brow, "Well, I see you've made new friends, I'm not needed here anymore.." he said dramatically placing his hand over his heart and I playfully pinched his arm, "Ouch! What was that for?" "Stop being such a drama queen Ash. You know none can ever take your place." I said, which was true, no one can ever replace Ash. He was about to speak when I hushed him and held his hand before pulling him out of my room and closing the door behind me. "Let them sleep, they're tired." I said dragging him downstairs with me. "I was just kidding, I know you only love me." He said giving me a wink and my heart skipped a beat, it always does when he says something like that. "Shut up Ash." I said.

"Whoa someone is in a bad mood." He said dropping his arm on my shoulder. My nostrils filled with delicious aroma of pancakes and I practically ran towards the kitchen with Ash hot my tail. "Good morning Mom." I kissed her cheek and she greeted me back, "Good morning kids." "Teresa, I think your daughter doesn't need me anymore, she's been violent with me since I showed up." Ash said with his usual teasing smirk, Mom laughed and set our plates on the table while I glared daggers at him, "Look! She's planning of ways to kill me!"he exclaimed pointing at me. "Rose.." Mom said in a playful manner. They really annoy me sometimes, but both of them are my life, I can't imagine living without them.

AN: Thank You for reading!
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