16. I knew she was mine

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I looked at the diary I found in that shoe box, I totally forgot about it. But I think it may have some information, something I wrote before the accident maybe it would help me find Aubrey. I opened it and saw yet another picture, but it was not me, it was Aubrey, an older version of her, the same age as I was now, probably. She was with someone but that girl had her back to the camera. She was taller than my sister and had dark hair. She looked like...Kayla from her physique. But how did I take this picture? A sharp pain in my head broke my thoughts and I saw another memory.

I was laughing on something a girl said, her face was blur, I could not recognize her but I saw her hair, they were black and she was taller than me, just like....Kayla? No, maybe not her, but she looked like her. "You taught her a good lesson. You should have seen her face in the principal's office." She said and I laughed again, "She deserved it, I won't stand bullying in my school, I won't let these nutheads take advantage of the weak." I said and the girl nodded. Her face was now clearer and when I saw it I was shocked, it was indeed Kayla.

Kayla? In my memory? But she told me she only met me once and it was in a grocery store, how could she be in my memory? I shrugged it off and turned the page, but the thought kept bothering me.

Halfway through the diary I was crying, and at the same time burning with pure rage. It was like I was reading a story, a story of a victim who had to go through bullying all her life. And what surprised me the most that it was my story. There were moments of happiness with Ashton and Mum but the rest contained how useless I thought I was and how used to I was to all the pain and loneliness. I don't believe it, I was like that? impossible. I just threatened those bitches who bullied me, I could not believe I was so weak before the accident.

My head was spinning and I needed fresh air. So I decided to continue reading later and went out for a walk.


Kayla came running towards me with her phone in hand. She looked troubled and her face looked like she'd been crying...again. We were still looking for Aubrey and there was no progress yet. I don't know if I will ever be able to see her again, "You've got to see this Cam." She said showing me her phone, her social media account was logged in, and there was a video playing, but what caught my attention were those beautiful green eyes and blonde hair. It was Aubrey...no that was Rose. As if noticing my confusion she said, "That's Rose' school cafeteria, someone from her school posted it and..." I raised my hand and stopped her from talking. My whole attention was on the video.

A smile stretched on my lips after the video ended, she was so strong, so daring and so beautiful, just like my Aubrey...All along I thought I was watching Aubrey when it was actually...wait.... Could it be....my eyes widened in shock and I looked at Kayla, she had tears in her eyes when I said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she nodded her head, "I think that's her, I have a very strong feeling that is her, not Rose...The last time I met the real Rose, before the accident, she was completely different, she looked...scared and blank like her life meant nothing. Now that I come to think of it, its not possible that a memory loss changes who you were. She is so much like Aubrey as if .." "She is Aubrey." I finished her sentence.

I had a feeling from the first time I saw her in that room, I knew she was Aubrey. The way my heart raced at her sight, I felt like she was her. "We need to be sure about this, we need a proof Kayla." I told her, she just shook her head, "I am the proof Cam, I saw Rose getting bullied by the very same girl in that video, she did not do anything she just remained silent and walked away like she was used to it. She  didn't fight back, she didn't stop her like she did now. This can't be Rose, Cam, She is Aubrey! I've known her for years, I was like her shadow, I know this girl is Aubrey." Kayla explained. She was right. She was Aubrey but we still need to be one hundred percent sure. An idea popped in my mind, "Do you have anything written in Aubrey's hand writing? I mean her book or diary or whatever, do you have it?" She looked confused, but then nodded "Yeah. I brought my notebooks, one of them had her hand writing in it, when she was covering for me." I nodded and asked her to find that book while I do my part of work.

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