6. Unexpected Turns

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Weeks ticked by in my new school, everything was perfect. I was starting to like it here more than I liked in Stanverse. I was still under confident and it was still hard for me to make a conversation for more than five minutes but I was glad people here understood me. Laura, Emily and of course Ash has been great friends. I sat with Laura and Emily at lunch because Ash is usually at football practice. His final tournament is after three weeks and the coach is practically draining the life out of players. He wants them to win at any cost, by hook or by crook. Ash is working so hard for this, I hope we win the trophy.

Today was the announcement of results of recent mid terms. They were my first exams here and I had taken them, even if I joined recently, I knew the topics and studied them well. I always was a position holder since my childhood. I don't know how, but I have a very sharp memory just like Aubrey. We were the smartest back at the orphanage, Ms. Miranada always told us. I guess it runs in the family blood. Our minds seems to pick up and understand things faster than average people. I do not know if I would be able to beat Laura's scores but it does not matter to me.  I refrain myself from having any expectations, I'm happy as long as I do my best.

The bell rang indicating us to head to our respective classes. I picked up my books from locker and headed to class. I saw Emily on the way; once she saw me, she smiled and waved "Hey, Rose!" she said, I waved my hand and we began walking to class together, "So, are you nervous?" I asked referring to the result, Emily just shrugged and shook her head, "Nope. I know I always rank second so I know this time it won't be any different." She said almost proudly. I was taken aback by her confidence.

Once we entered the class, I spotted Ash and went to sit next to him. That was my seat from the first day I came here and it was like a battery charger to me. Just seeing him makes my day and I almost forget everything that's on my mind. We don't get to hang out much at school except for the classes we take together, so just sitting here beside him during the classes. It is enough for me to drag along throughout the day. Girls sometimes give me threatening glares and it's almost frightening. You can tell they have a crush on Ash and they don't like me being with him all the time. No doubt Ash is very handsome and good looking. His brown hair and striking blue eyes makes him look younger and cute. The students continued to fill in and soon the period started. Mrs. Goldsmith entered the class with our results and the class went silent.

My heart was beating wildly in my rib cage and I waited for my name to appear. Mrs. Goldsmith started the announcement from the lowest grade to the highest, and my name was not called yet. My hands were sweating and my breaths came uneven as I thought of the worse. What if I failed in this?

I tried t console myself when Ash's name was called out, he was on number seven. Not bad. As Laura's name was called out everyone gasped. The classroom filled with whispers and Laura was staring forward, horrified. She secured second place and I was guessing it's very unusual considering the looks on everyone's faces. "Silence class! I know this is surprising and I am surprised too, but we have checked many times and there is no mistake. Rose Maxwell achieved the highest in the exams and we are proud of her." Mrs. Goldsmith finished with a smile and I just looked at her not moving, frozen on my seat. Really? I secured highest marks? As in, really!? I mean it's not new to me but I felt I could not beat Laura's scores.

I looked over to her and saw she was staring in space. My first instinct was to go to her and comfort her but I stopped immediately, what will I say to her? that I'm sorry I took your place? It's not a big deal right? The exams are just exams, I never cared about my rank as long as I passed. I should just be quite for now. It won't be pretty to get insulted in front of so many people as Laura is really short tempered.

I did not know I would be this popular just because of one exam. To be honest, I hated attention. I do not like people staring at me. My aim was to dodge un useful attention and stay cool in my own little world where no one would notice me. But I guess my plans shattered the moment I received the title of the first rank. The whole senior year was talking about me. I could hear faint murmurs and gossips as I passed by the people at the cafeteria. My palms started to sweat, I was in panic due to all the stares and odd looks. The only person that kept me moving was Ash.

"Flower, relax, ignore them. Just concentrate on me and you'll be fine. Do you want to go somewhere else to eat?" Ash's voice made my head snap towards his direction. His arms were wrapped around my shoulder in a comforting gesture and he was looking down at me, waiting for my answer. His striking blue eyes held me in place and I immediately felt my nerves calm. I slowly nodded not breaking eye contact with him. He smiled and led us out of the hell hole.

We were halfway through the corridors when I saw Laura and Emily talking. They seemed to be in deep conversation and did not notice my arrival. I decided it was a good time to talk to her and ask her if by any chance she thinks differently of me or our friendship. "Hey I need to talk to her, can you wait for me outside?" I said to Ash and he slowly nodded before ruffling my hair and saying "see ya" before walking away.

The corridor was empty, as everyone was in the cafeteria or outside. I slowly approached my two friends who were engaged in a very deep and serious conversation. Emily looked up and met my eyes. I smiled and gave her a short wave. She ignored me instead and said something to Laura. Immediately like a lightening bolt Laura turned around and looked at me with rage and anger in her eyes. Her brows creased and her mouth curled up in anger. Before I could ask why was she so angry, she had me by the collar of my shirt, pinning me against the opposite wall.

"You ungrateful bitch! I considered you as a friend and what you did? Stole my rank and my reputation! How dare you betray me you little piece of shit!" She spat in my face. My eyes were burning with unshed tears and I became paralyzed. My breath came out in short pants and sweat covered my forehead. Emily was right behind her, her face held no emotion whatsoever. Before I could comprehend what the hell was happening a fist collided with my right cheek and I lost balance, falling on my knees. Laura's hold was long gone and I found my self face to face with the ground. 

Tears immediately blurred my vision and fell freely down my cheeks, burning the freshly bruised skin. "Listen here, you don't know who I am and what I'm capable of. From this day forward I'll make your life living hell. Do you understand you worthless bitch?"Laura's voice cut deeper through my skin and I was shaking with fear. My throat became dry and I desperately needed water. My lack of speech seems to make her angrier as she kicked me in the side making me groan in pain. She bent down to pull me up and made me face her. She was not the person i had grown fond of and thought of as a friend. She was someone else. Laura's eyes were glistened, I don't know if it were my tears that made me see wrong, but she had fear in her eyes too. 

"Why, Rose? Can't you be a little dumb and let me be at the top?" she asked slowly. I gathered up some courage and replied with shaky voice, "Why do I have to pretend? Why does it matter so much to you?" I whispered but she heard me just fine. "None of your business." She got angry again, a little softness that I saw earlier was all gone, she smacked the back of my head making me look down. With shaky hands I touched my bruised cheek and slowly looked up, but saw that she was gone. The clicking of heals were heard in distance and I stood up before running towards the restroom with my heart in my throat.

It was happening again and there was nothing I could do to stop it, just when I thought my life was getting better, fate has to ruin everything for me and push me in the nightmare I always run away from. 


AN: Thank You for reading!
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