15. She was you

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My throat was dry and I could not breathe. There was water all around me and I was not struggling to reach the top anymore, I left myself free and in the hands of the flow. I felt lifeless, like I was about to die. I forgot why I was in the water. I did not know how I came here and was drowning, but I felt it, I was drowning and I was going to die. I have not lost consciousness yet, but I felt my body moving, like someone or something was carrying me. I could feel the daylight through my closed eyes but was not strong enough to open them. And then everything went blank.

I shot up from bed sweating and panting. What was that? Another dream? Or another memory? I almost did not notice I had audience in my room. Mum was sitting on my bed, and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank God you woke up. They told me you fainted all of a sudden." She said sobbing and I felt my heart clench. I was talking with Kayla and Cameron when I collapsed. I must have scared everyone. I was cursing myself for being so reckless when I heard another voice, the voice that made me shiver "Are you okay? You had us scared." It was Cameron, was he still here? Darn it of course he's here unless I was hearing his voice in my head. I wonder why I feel so nervous around him, I just met him for heaven's sake! Maybe it's the fact that he looks like a Greek god.

I looked up to see worry plastered over his stunning features. Please...Don't look at me like that, I instantly felt nervous and looked at Kayla who was standing with him. I cleared my throat and said," Yeah I'm fine. Sorry for scaring you all." I turned to mum, "I'm fine mum, nothing happened." I said assuring her and giving her my best smiles, she still looked worried though.

"I think we should go now, it was nice seeing you Rose." Kayla said, I got up from my bed and went to her, I was not aware what came over me, but I felt like doing it, so I enveloped her in a hug. She was surprised at first but hugged me back nevertheless.

"We'll find her together." I whispered in her ear and she slowly nodded her head. I could feel she was crying because she was shaking slightly. "You're just like her, Rose. I wonder if you are her. Hugging you is just like holding her." She whispered back, her voice was so low that I could barely hear it. "I'll go downstairs and prepare dinner. It wouldd be nice if you two could join us." Mum broke the silence and I unwounded my arms from Kayla. She wiped the tears quickly and smiled. "It's okay Mrs. Maxwell, thanks for the offer but we should get going." Cameron said. I suddenly felt upset, I did not want them to leave just yet, I wanted to know more about my sister. "Please stay, I insist." I said looking at Cameron and making my cutest pleading face, he took a deep breath and looked at her sister.

"Um sure, we'll stay for dinner." Kayla finally said and mum nodded. "I'll call you downstairs when it's ready, and call me Teresa. Mrs Maxwell makes me feel old. I'll leave you kids to catch up." She said smiling, before leaving the room. I was not sure if I should tell mum about Aubrey. I was still confused, and until I know the whole story of what happened, I could not say anything to her. We once again sat down and continued our chat, I asked Kayla everything she knew about Aubrey and she told me. "She lived in the orphanage, and there wasn't a second she didn't miss you, there was a fire in the orphanage after which they thought you were dead because no one could find you. They assumed you were one of the unrecognizable bodies which were found after the fire was put out. It was when you two were five. I met her at school in fourth grade, she had something in her that captured everyone's heart in an instant. We became best friends; me, her and Violet. That was when she told us about you, she never opens up to anyone, only three people in Stanverse knew that Aubrey had a twin sister."

She paused, I was listening carefully, she thought I was dead? Didn't she know I was adopted? Kayla continued, clearing all my doubts, "She told us about the presents someone sends her almost every month, they were from a woman named Teresa Maxwell." My eyes widened in shock, "I know, that's your mother's name. She didn't know it until last month. I came to Cynthrane with my father and saw you while I was shopping, I was surprised, at first I thought you were Aubrey but then I pointed out the differences. I told her about you that you are alive and she was so happy, she came to Cynthrane the next weekend to take you back. I talked to you as well, and I'm sure you don't remember. I asked your name which you told Rose Maxwell. Aubrey knew it was you who sent those gifts under Teresa's name. But she didn't understand why you were hiding from her." she completed.

I was at loss for words, it was a lot to takein. Why would I hide from her? why didn't I tell her about where I was and I was alive? The more she told me the more I was getting confused so I decided to change the topic, "Was she like me? I mean by appearance." I asked and she smiled. I felt Cameron's eyes on me, he was continuously observing me. This time it was him who spoke, not Kayla, "She was you. Right now, it's like watching her and not you. When I first saw you I thought you were my Aubrey." The way he said that, I felt my heart picking up speed. Whoa wait! Did he say my Aubrey? Were they in a relationship? I instantly felt uncomfortable.

"Um were you two in a relationship?" I voiced my thoughts, hoping he would say no. What the hell is wrong with me? And for the first time since he came here I saw him smile, moreover he chuckled at my question.

 What the hell is wrong with me? And for the first time since he came here I saw him smile, moreover he chuckled at my question

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Oh Crap! That was so hot! "We never got along. Always fighting and kicking each other's asses. I never told her how I felt; she would kill me if I did. It's only one sided." He said sadly, that smile was replaced with a frown, and I regretted asking him that question. Stupid me.

We just talked about Aubrey a little then Mum called us for dinner. I kept stealing glances at Cameron. After dinner we said our good byes. "I've never seen them before, does she go to your school?"Mum asked, I was not surprised by her question, I knew she would ask. "Nope, Um they were my childhood friends from Stanverse. We um didn't hang out much before, she came here to visit her family and then she heard about my accident so she came to visit." I said, I wished she buys it because that was the most horrible answer I could come up with. But to my relief she did.

I could not tell mum about Aubrey yet, I need to figure out things by myself. There must be a reason why I hid from my sister and did not even mention her to mum so I could not just bombard her with questions. Of course she does not know anything either. I'll be meeting Kayla tomorrow after school so we could search for Aubrey.

And I Will find her.

AN: Thank You for reading!
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