13. Flash

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School has been a headache since then, that bitch was getting on my nerves, I came to know her name was Laura and the other one is Emily, but I did not give a damn about why they were so jealous of me. I mean I know they hate me and the feeling was mutual but still I did not know the reason nor did I care. 

Have you got that feeling that you really want to kill someone slowly like torture them until they die and dump their body in water? Well maybe you did not, you could not possibly be as violent as me, but I was feeling exactly the same way. I mean what was the problem with that bitch? She kept getting in my way and bothered me in hundreds of possible kinds. Let me tell you some of her 'amazing stunts' yeah note the sarcasm. She does things including painting horrible stuff on my locker which includes 'die bitch' 'you're a burden on this planet' 'I wish you rot in hell', ruining my notes so that I have to make them again, spreading horrible rumors about me and Ash sleeping together. Yeah right I was shocked too when I faced that one, Ash was my friend and if it was anything more than that, I just see him as a brotherly figure, so hearing this kind of stuff got me like, eeww! I can never imagine this, seriously!

I have ignored a lot of her stupid and immature stunts, now it was time for me to show her what I really was, I was surprised I have not killed her yet. Now its enough; you know what she did today? She accused me of stealing the question papers from Mrs. Goldsmith's flash drive, which by chance went missing. I bet she was the one who did that and blamed me. She did not have any proof against me so no one believed her, the teachers trust me more than her, even my class fellows. Good reputation, right?

It was lunch break when I finally got the chance to kick her fake little ass. Seriously I hate that make up baked face of hers. I entered the cafeteria and saw her with Emily, her partner in crime, more like her other half. She was carrying her lunch tray and probably looking for a place to sit. Perfect. I went to her and stood in front of her, blocking the way. Giving her my sweetest fake smile I said, "Hi....bitch." She scoffed and flicked her hair. "What do you want thief? Are you here to steal my lunch? Like you stole Mrs. Goldsmith's flash drive?" she said, her voice made several heads turn our way. You see the enmity between me and Laura is famous all over school so whenever someone spotted us together they knew they would get something interesting to watch. Great. I hope someone records this. Because she was so gonna pay. I kept my posture, not getting annoyed by her stupid comments, I stepped closer to her and sneezed on her, not once but twice, of course it was fake.

She looked at me annoyed, "What the hell!" it was pin drop silence at cafeteria, everyone had their attention on us, I saw Ash enter from the corner of my eyes, looking confused. I sniffed and sneezed again, "Oh you see Laura, I'm highly allergic to bullshit." I said which earned me laughs and 'wohoo' from the watching crowd. She was filled with rage and I was enjoying it so much. It was finally my turn to tell her who has the upper hand here. I did not let her speak, "Do you enjoy messing with me? It's like you can't breathe without annoying me, and testing my patience. I took enough of your bullshit and I'm warning you Laura..." I said pointing my finger towards her, my tone dead serious, "I'm warning you to stay away from me. Or else it won't be pretty." I warned her but she just smirked instead, I literally want to punch her in the face and break her nose. The nerve of this bitch!

"Look Em, this piece of shit is warning me." She emphasized on 'me' pointing towards herself, "Where did you get so much confidence that you're speaking back to me? You used to cover in fear whenever you saw me." She said and I scoffed, "Really? You were that horrifying? Oh gosh, I'm scared!" I faked gasp and covering back before composing myself and saying in a serious tone, "I might have been be afraid of you before but now you don't scare me at all. Don't take me for granted now, I can kick your ass in no time. I think you are already aware of what I can do. So, Stay out of my way." I said and turned to leave before I could kill her in front of everyone, "You..!" she started but I turned back to her stopping her mid sentence, "Oh I forgot something." I said
Walking back towards them I made space between Laura and Emily moving them both aside and knocking their trays from their hands in the process. The food landed on their clothes and the tray made noise meeting the ground, "Oops sorry, I didn't see you were holding that. Shouldn't have stood in my way." I said before moving to the counter and picking up my lunch. Serves her right.

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