27. Two or one

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Saying goodbye was the worst thing I have ever experienced, but this time I convinced myself that it was just for a short time, she would be back and it was not a good bye forever. We departed from Aubrey and Kayla from the airport and now it felt weird coming home without her, I have gotten used to being her with me.  Aubrey told me about Laura, and what she had been through, and honestly I had no idea she had her reasons. I just thought she was as cruel as ever.

I was surprised and angry at myself that how could I have missed such a detail, maybe because I was too busy mourning over my pain that I did not even think of her. I did not bother to check on her when I saw her coming out of the ladies room letting out small sniffles. I was too terrified of her to see her pain, to actually look her in the eye and see what she was going through. Now that I thought about it, I realized that she had suffered more than me. She did not even have anyone she could call her own. I remembered Aubrey's words as clear as day,

"Rose, we have to help her. And while I'm gone, I want you to look after her." She had said to me, "We have to get her to believe that she's not alone and she can stand up to that bastard and show him the taste of his own cruelty. Do not fear her, Rose. You are my sister, you're stronger than you think, you can do it and I know you will. Just stay with her as a friend. She needs you, she needs us."

I will do it. Although I thought I would have a lot of explaining to do. Aubrey also told me how she left her confused when she mentioned that I would be there instead of her. I changed in my nightwear and went to sleep.

****Two weeks later****


woke up as usual at seven. I had this habit since like forever, although Aubrey was the opposite. Then again, we were different, I was not her and she was not me, We were two very different people, sharing the same appearance.

Changing into a blue decent summer dress I left my hair down. It was the first day of new session and I was a little nervous. I found mum in the kitchen as always, setting breakfast on the table. Things finally turned back to normal, once again. "Good morning sweetie. I almost forgot you woke up by yourself, you know I had to wake Aubrey every morning, sometimes even threaten to dump water on her. I was flattered as to how you could've changed so much after the accident." She paused, remembering the time I was gone, and she thought her as me.

I smiled, excited that it was just a matter of time before she would come back and stay with us. My family would finally be complete. "But I'm glad I got to know her too. I'm so sorry, Rose. If I'd known about her, I'd never snatch you away from your sister. It's my fault you two stayed apart for years, please forgive me." She took my hand in hers which rested on the table. "You don't have to apologize mom. You didn't know, I never told you. It's not your fault. And forget about the past, remember you told me to focus on what is going to come, not what has already gone." I told her, keeping my hand over hers, she smiled.

We ate breakfast in silence before leaving. Mom dropped me to school and I waved her after getting out of the car. Here I was again, the place I was afraid to go to. My worst nightmare, because of one person I never thought was capable of bearing so much pain. I silenced my demons, my inner voice to run away from there, just like I had before. Instead Aubrey's words gave me courage, strength and will. With a sharp intake of air I stepped in, passed through the doors I despised. At the locker I opened it, half expecting to find some hateful note as I always did, but I did not. There was nothing except my stuff that Aubrey had left behind.

"Hi, Rose." I heard someone call from behind, making me freeze. I knew that voice too well, that voice haunted me, gave me nightmares, it was the voice I dreaded the most. But not anymore, I fisted my hands to my sides and took a deep breath, I had to face it. I turned around, allowing myself to act as cool as possible, while on the inside I was still freaking out. "Hey." I smiled, and then...something unexpected happened.

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