7. Hardships

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I was back to phase one. The thing I was running from had to make it's way back to me and I was once again pushed into my worst nightmare. My once so called friends turned into my worst bullies and I am as useless as ever. I was not strong enough to defend myself; I could not]t tell Ash about it, I could not possibly just drop my grades deliberately to make them satisfied. I was determined not going to give up. Whatever they did to me, I bear it silently without saying anything.

But for how long?

My inner voice always asked me. Don't these people have conscience? Doesn't it matter to them that they are making someone's life hell? Taking advantage of the weak is wrong, right? It should be wrong! The fact I hate the most is not standing up for myself and doing what has to be done. I was nothing but a sickly coward who was unable to defend her own being. All my life I have been craving for a peaceful atmosphere, nice people who actually care. But it seems that fate has other plans for me. I don't know what to do to get out of this mess, to win the game my life is playing with me. I guess time is getting back at me for betraying Aubrey. I always stopped myself from seeing her because I thought she never came looking for me. Did she not notice me gone? Was she secretly relieved that I had left, or has she already forgotten about me? But then again she was not the one to blame. Who would ever want someone like me? It's good for her to just forget about me and live peacefully.

I stared at the mirror looking at my lifeless eyes. I have lost weight and there were dark cirlces under my eyes due to lack of sleep. Yet I manage to hide it every day in front of Mom and Ash and the whole world, I think that is my strength, that I am really good at pretending to be happy. I could not show them how pathetic I was. I applied some concealer to hide the dark circles and combed my hair into a neat ponytail. One more day to face, One more day of getting bullied and crying myself to sleep; one more day to hide my tears behind the cheerful fake smiles. Today is Ash's final football tournament and he will not be at school. He invited me to his match after school and I have yet to wish him good luck.

Getting inside the school building makes shivers run down my spine. My body shakes with fear and I want to crawl into a corner where no one could see me. The chatters of students could be heard as I passed them. I wanted nothing but to reach my class without any sight of Laura or Emily. But I guess I would never get what I want. A hand grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me to them. I was face to face with Emily. Damn it! "Well hello my friend. Did you forget what day it is today?" She asked in a fake genuine voice. I know what will happen, they act like we are friends when people are around and takes me outside, at the back of school building to have their way with me.

I was used to this but still I was afraid that what new torment will I have to face this time. Her hand had a firm grip over my arm as she pushed through the crowd and took me outside. There stood Laura with a blindfold over her eyes. What.... What's going on? All of my doubts vanished when I saw a few eggs, whipped cream and cherries. NO NO NO! This can't be happening! My heart rate picked up and I tried to wiggle free from her grasp. But that made it even worse, her hold tightened and her nails were digging into my skin before she pushed me harshly and I stumbled towards the wall, twisting my ankle in the process. I cried out in pain, Emily put a hand over my mouth and made me sit on my knees, she poured the whipped cream over my head and put cherries on it, I felt some of the cream tickling down my forehead and the back of my neck. It was cold and my head felt like it will freeze. 

I dare not move, if I did something it would only make it worse. Emily went to Laura and removed her blindfold. "Surprise! Happy Birthday Lau."I heard Emily say. "Oh thank you, Em. You know how to make me happy." she said. I felt sick. My eyes burned with tears, The cream melted down inside my shirt, and I clutched the edge of my skirt tightly. something hit my shoulder and I saw it was an egg. Before I could comprehend what was going on, more eggs hit me and this time on my head, soon I was covered with a disgusting smell of raw eggs and the sound of laughter filled my ears.

"Now for some more effect.." I heard Emily's voice and a thick red liquid was poured over my head making its way down all over me. Ketchup. Where did that come from? My vision blurred and tears fell down my cheeks. I was a mess. "I hope you like your birthday present!" Emily's cheerful voice rang through my eardrums. How heartless can they be! They don't see me as a human, I am not a toy for God's sake! Just leave me alone! I wished I had the guts to say that out loud.

"I loved it Em. Thank you so much!"Laura said, I could faintly see her neat shoes coming closer to me and went behind me. My stomach seemed to tightened into knots and an uncomfortable feeling filled me all over. I desperately wanted get out of here and wash myself. The smell was burning my nostrils and making my head spin. I was pathetic, weak, I could not do anything against them. Absolutely nothing! A harsh cry escaped my lips as Laura pulled my hair from the back. "Aren't you going to wish me a happy birthday? I thought you were my friend, Bitch." She said, faking innocence. I knew I have to wish her or else I'll be in way more trouble than this, if it could get any worse. 

I did not dare to meet her eyes, but I managed to make the words past my lips, "Happy Birthday" I murmured loud enough for her to hear. But she was not satisfied, at all. She tugged harder at my hair and I almost fell backwards because of the pain and itching in my scalp. My clothes were dirty and I smelled of cream and eggs. I cried out in pain and my eyes tightly shut due to pain and my voice was loud enough to be a high pitch scream, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". She let go of my hair but I still felt my scalp throbbing. "Emily, clean her up before anyone sees her." She said and left. I felt my body go limp on the ground as I sat there helplessly. 

A bucket of cold water was dumped over me washing away all the cream and eggs. My clothes were totally wet, at least the food was gone, "Go and get changed." I heard Emily's voice and then footsteps, I knew it was my cue to leave. They were gone but I was still here with my heart in my throat. My dress completely ruined. I was beyond broken and there was no one who could fix me. Maybe one person, and that only person could help me. But I already lost her. I lost her the moment I left without telling her. I regret it so bad. I wish I could get her back.


AN: Thank You for reading!
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