21. Sisters forever

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I was lost, I did not know where I was going. Running away from my old life was not as easy as I thought it would be. Sure I found a place to stay and a decent job to survive for a few months but I missed my Family, my mom, Ashton and Aubrey. I left her in my place so they would not know that I was gone. I know that it was not a good decision, leaving her like that, knowing she had no memory of her previous life. But I could not think of anything else at the moment. I sometimes felt that there was no meaning of my life, but then I go sneak glances at my sister and my friend, and that gave me hope. They were the reason I was still there.
I did not know if it was fate, or just an accident, but when I bumped into Cameron and he thought I was Aubrey, I was surprised. The world was so small. Of all the people, I bumped into someone close to my sister, who knew who I was and maybe why I was running away. I was surprised to find that Aubrey got back her memories and told Ashton too. They were out there looking for me, probably worried sick and here I was clueless of what was happening.

There was no way I could hide for long, and a sting in my chest keep telling me to go back to my family, to the people who really care about me. Cameron's words keep echoing in my head, 'Your bond is stronger than any other siblings because you two are identical twins. You share a special bond. And come to think of it, it's maybe fate giving you a chance right now to set everything straight and start a new life with your family, the one's you love. Start a fresh. Forget everything. And start your life with new hope, with your sister, who'd do anything for you.'

Maybe he was right. Maybe it really was fate trying to get us back together. I did not want my old life where I was bullied and considered as trash, I wanted to start everything from a scratch; a life where I would not have to be away from my sister, mom and Ashton.  I have spent years of misery without Aubrey; I could not live the rest of my life running from her. I have to go back...I need to go back.

I saw Cameron dialing Aubrey's number and after a moment he flinched keeping his phone away from his ear. I was assuming Aubrey shouted at him the moment she answered the call because I faintly heard,

"Where the hell did you disappear to? And now you decide to call, well guess what? I don't want to talk to you!". "Jesus! Aubrey calm down!" He said, running his hand through his hair, I wonder if Aubrey likes him too. He was handsome, nice too. I instantly blushed at the thought, remembering Ashton's deep blue eyes. I miss him so much. "Yeah yeah. I bet you'll kiss me instead of punching me when I tell you who I found." He said making me chuckle. For a moment I thought those two were meant for each other. He looked at me, covering the phone with his hand and whispered, "Your sister is a handful." Before telling her that he actually found me.

There was silence, seconds ticked by and then suddenly he flinched again moving away the phone from his ear, I faintly heard Aubrey's voice, "If this is a sick joke Cameron, I'll make sure to slowly chop you off into pieces before feeding you to the crows!" Jeez! My sister is violent. I chuckled seeing his reaction. "Seriously, Aubrey? You love me so much to do that to me, now hurry up and get your sexy ass right here." He said hanging up before she could say anything else. Thank Goodness he told her to come alone and not to tell anyone yet. 

He looked over at me and smiled. There seemed to be something about his smile, it was contagious and I could not help but return it. I did not feel much afraid like I used to and did not think twice before coming with him. His grey eyes were soft and welcoming while Ash's eyes were deep and hypnotizing; he was a bit taller than him and also looked mature, but Ash still had that boyish look.

I found myself comparing him to Ash and instantly blushed. What is wrong with me? Why do I go comparing everyone to him?

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