24. Decisions made

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"What? What do you mean by she wants to take you in?" Kayla asked me. I ringed her as soon as I got the chance and called her over. Luckily Cam came along too so I would not have to call him separately. Rose went downstairs to help Teresa, she told me I should talk to them in private, so there I was in her room, telling my best friend and her jerk of a brother everything.

He's not a jerk; remember he's the one who found Rose.

Yeah so what? That doesn't stop him from being a jerk, though.

But you like him anyway.

I do!

"Jesus! Girl, are you even there?" Kayla interrupted me from my inner battle with my mind. I cleared my throat, trying hard not to look stupid in front of them. "Yes. I mean she wants to adopt me too. So I can stay here with Rose. Annnd she also said she'd love to have two daughters."I recalled, Kayla had a funny look on her face, Cam was sitting...no literally lying on the bed, with his hands crossed under his head, watching this exchange with amusement. Why does he have to be so handsome...?"I don't mind at all." He said from there, a smirk permanently plastered on his lips. "I didn't ask for your opinion." I tried to say it as rudely as possible but it came out softly. Damn it! I turned my attention back to Kayla who was now looking at the floor. She looked upset...

"Hey! I didn't tell her I would stay. I just...I don't know what to do." I said to her, enveloping her in my arms. She hugged me back, tightly. "No. I think you should stay." She whispered so lightly that I barely heard it. I pulled back searching for her face, "What?" I asked not sure if I heard her right. She had tears in her eyes but she smiled nevertheless. "I think you should stay." She repeated, "It is where you belong, with your sister. You've been apart from her eleven years. You know she needs you more than we do. It will be selfish of us to take you away from her." She paused, wiping my tears; I had not known I had been crying. "We'll stay in touch, you can visit us anytime you want and we'll visit too. Come with me back to Stanverse for now, to collect your belongings and to explain things to Violet, Amanda. Meanwhile, Teresa can overlook the adoption process." She explained.

I was speechless. "Are you...sure?" I asked her, "Yes and I'm sure they will understand too." She said; I hugged her again. "Thanks Kayla, for everything. I love you so much." I told her honestly, she too was a sister to me and it pained me to think that I would not be able to see her every day. "You deserve to be happy, Aubrey. And I love you too." She said, and kissed my cheek. I wiped her tears. "Wow! I'm here too you know." Leave it to Cameron to ruin the perfect moment.

He was now coming towards us, "It's not polite to leave me out of the hug, Rey." He teased, "DO you ever shut up?" I retorted back. A knock on the door interrupted what he was about to say, and Rose came in. "I hope you're done with your discussions because mom is calling you all downstairs for lunch." She informed us, I nodded. "Come on." I said to them and we headed downstairs.
Teresa was setting the table, while Ashton was filling the water bottles. She looked over at us and smiled, "Hey kids! How are you doing?" she asked my friends. "Great." Kayla simply answered; I could see she was still upset, I was too. I have never been away from her for too long. "Good. It smells delicious in here." Cam commented, like his usual self. We settled on our respective seats. I was sitting in between Kayla and Cam. Really? Can't Rose exchange seats with him? The lunch went on pretty quiet until I felt someone hit my leg playfully, thank God I was not chewing that time... what the...I looked to my right to see Cam smirking.

He was so dead. I sat up straight, noticing everyone to make sure they were busy with their food before stepping on his foot, hard. He choked on his food and started coughing. Serves ya right.

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