3. I hate you

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"I wish it was me that night." I said. Me Kayla and Violet were at the air port to fetch Kayla's brother. I insisted that I would not come to receive that douche bag but she tricked me into coming here. Violet pretended that she was taking me shopping when actually she brought me here to the air port where Kayla was already waiting. Both of my friends are partners in crime, I tell you. So here we are, waiting for Cameron ducking James, who is my biggest enemy. Sure he is sinfully handsome and good looking, a kind of guy girls swoon over but I literally hate his guts.

Violet stopped drinking her coke and turned towards me, "What do you mean?" She asked, I sighed getting both of their attentions now, "That night in the fire, I wish it was me instead of Rose." I said remembering my sister, there's not a moment I don't regret what happened to her because of me. "It wasn't your fault Aubrey. And trust me there must be a reason why you weren't there in the fire. Don't say things like that." Kayla said hugging me to her. Violet grabbed my other hand and leaned in for a group hug. Maybe she was right, there is a reason I'm still alive, there has to be. Our perfect moment was broken by a cough.

"I thought I'd be the one getting hugs when you see me, but I see the case is different here." A deep masculine voice said, and who could it be? Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's the douche bag himself...The girls let me go and Kayla practically ran into his open arms. calm your horses, girl. "How have you been sis?" he asked her, "Good. What about you? How's granny?" "She's good, sent some chocolates for you." He told her and she jumped in excitement like a five year old, you know why? Because chocolate works as her oxygen.

Cam's eyes landed on me and I saw something in them I've never seen before, not at least when he looks at me. Happiness. Was he happy to see me? Pfft who am I kidding? He's Cameron ducking James, he hates me as much as I hate him. And in a matter of seconds that happiness was replaced with a mischievous glint. Oh I know that look! "Hello Rey! I know you've been dying to see me." He said and I scoffed. As if!

I was surprised when he came towards me and pulled me in his arms. He was a good six inches taller than me so my face crashed in his chest with his arms securely wrapped around my waist. I was immediately enveloped by his strong cologne so it took me a while to come in my senses, and when I did I kicked his right knee and he winced letting me go. "Always the violent one." He said stepping back from me with a smirk. "Don't touch me again." I said through gritted teeth, I swear I heard Violet mutter 'here we go' under her breath but that was least of my concerns, who the hell does he thinks he is? I know girls fall at his feet, but I'm not one of them, I hate him and his attitude with a passion.

"Ah feisty. You might not say it Aubrey but I know you are always thinking of me." He mocked me again. "No. I don't even have time to think about useless scum bags like you." I finished, now it was my time to smirk. He laughed, which sounded really sexy I tell you..his dimples.... Wait what?  I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away, "I see it Aubrey. You can lie to me but your eyes tell a different story." He called out, at first I was shocked, Was I that obvious? Then I recovered, knowing he's probably trying to get on my nerves. I turned around with a murderous glare and was ready to kill when Kayla grabbed my arm, "Stop it both of you! Why can't you two stand each other? You literally can't be kept under the same roof because one of you would be found dead the next morning." she said, it's not her fault that her brother pisses me off.

Cameron raised his hand, "That would be me." He said, I was still glaring at him, "Shut up!" I said in my deadly dangerous voice. "Yeah. Aubrey, why do you hate him so much?" It was violet who asked me this question. I did not hate him, neither did I like him...Okay maybe I had a teeny tiny crush on him when I was younger, in seventh grade to be exact, but that's it, nothing more. "Do we need a reason to hate someone?" I asked innocently batting my eyelashes and my two friends nodded. "Of course Aubrey, you don't go hating people for no reason at all." Violet said, I could clearly see the playfulness in Cam's eyes, and the smirk playing on his lips, he was enjoying this. That Dog!

"Whatever." I said before walking away from them. I see Cam every once in a while when he comes to meet Kayla. I don't know why I feel strange around him although I barely see him. I don't know why do I feel weird around him even now. Am I not over that crush yet? No way. Of course I've moved on... At least I think I have.


AN: Thank you for reading.
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