26. Airport

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Sometimes all we need is someone to understand us, see through the mask we're wearing. That was exactly what happened with Laura, the first time she talked to me, I saw fear in her eyes. Fear that somehow I would hurt her, I could not understand it that time, I thought she was a bitch when she tried to accuse me of things. Then after meeting Rose again, I realized that maybe Laura was not what she used to be. I saw the same fear in my sister's eyes when I mentioned Laura's name in front of her. That was when I knew that I needed to talk to her about it. She was hiding something, a secret that might have haunted her every night before she slept. I wanted to talk to her before going to Stanverse, because I wanted to give her hope that there is good in this world, before it was too late. Not everyone is bad, and you get to decide what you want to be, not the ones who pressurize you into being someone you are not.

That was exactly what I did today, and I was surprised to hear what she has been through. No wonder she was like that. She could not be blamed for it. I was going to help her, just as I was helping my sister. I walked side by side with her at the park, we had decided to go for some coffee earlier but it was late and I had to leave for the airport soon. I was relieved that I at least talked to her about it. we left the park together and i looked at my phone, stopping midway, Kayla was calling me back home. Laura turned to look at me, "You're not going to come?" she asked, I smiled in return and shook my head. "I'm sorry but have somewhere else to be. We took up a lot of time talking." I said, smiling. "You may not see me for a couple days at school after the break, but she'll be there instead." I told her, and seemed like she got confused. I know what was she thinking about. People will know about Rose and I when I join her school, so what was the point in hiding?

"She? What are you talking about?"she questioned me. I obviously saw that coming. I glanced at my ringing phone, Kayla was calling me, I cut the call and turned my attention back to my new friend, placing my hand on her shoulder, I said, "Yes. She. You'll figure it out Laura, I know you're smart enough. So, farewell, until next time." I winked at her, and headed outside, leaving a very confused Laura behind.


"Can you please cut the crap? I'm trying to concentrate here." I glared at Cam for being such a drama king. I was driving to the airport with Cam on the passenger seat because apparently it was his car. I insisted on driving because I would not be able to for a while. Kayla, Ashton and Rose were on the back seat, continuously talking to each other in a hushed tone. I was leaving today and hopefully will return after two weeks, alone. I hate to say goodbye to the place of my childhood but I thought that it was time to start my life from a new perspective, in a new place with new people. And anyway I would bring along the memories I shared with everyone, so that I would not miss them very much.

"You always hurt my feelings; can you not be considerate for once, Rey?" Cam asks, sighing dramatically. "Nope, because you're so annoying." I told him, not meaning it completely. Yes he can be annoying as hell sometimes but...
But you still like him

I could not admit that.

Why not?

Because he would think I was stupid.

Now you're being a drama queen.

Shut it!

"I'm not annoying. You are just denying your feelings." He murmured slowly under his breath, I would not have heard him if he were not sitting beside me. Hitting the breaks so I would not crash into someone I turned to look at him, he looked upset, "What did you say?" I asked although I heard him loud and clear. He looked shocked, his eyes widened, "N..nothing." he stammered. So I did heard right. "What's wrong? Come on we'll miss our flight. And Cam? Can you and Ashton exchange your seats? We have something important to talk to you about." Kayla said, making me look at her and raise an eyebrow. What was she up to? Cam did not say anything just got out of the car and waited for Ashton.

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