Amethyst x Mute!Reader

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(Y/n) P.O.V

I've never had a voice. The voice of reason, the voice of song or the voice of power.

I've never had those.

I've never spoken in my entire life.

I'm mute. And I don't seem to mind.

They say that when you lose one ability, another becomes more dominant, taking place of what you once had.

In this case it's my hearing. I can't speak but I listen.

It's amazing what I can pick up from miles away!

It's also a struggle.

Because not everyone knows how to communicate with me. I do have a translator however, although he is a lot younger than me.

He's very sweet too!

I never thought it was possible to find someone much like yourself who understands you.

But there he was. My knight in awesome flip flops and a mop of black curly hair.

He offered to be a translator for me when we first encountered each other at the boardwalk last summer, I had just moved to Beach City since my parents wanted a change.

It's a nice little town where everyone knows everyone and in it's own little way, there's a system.

Steven tells me all about Beach City. Whenever we hang out he likes to practise his sign language by conversing with his hands.

He's told me some pretty cool stuff- like there were aliens of the sort at Beach City and they, along with him, helped protect the earth.

I never knew if they were actually true but the stories brought smiles and silent laughter to my lips.

But then I met one.

Well, three of them.

It was a normal day ya know?

Walking along the sand, collecting shells, throwing them back to the sea- the norm for people like me.

And then I heard his voice. Steven's bare feet kicking every grain of sand to the side, his heavy pants for air and his childish laugh.

He came up to me and tackled me into a hug. "(Y/n)!!! It's me! Steven!" He called out.

"Steven!" I had signed, "How are you?"

Concentration had filled his face as his hands moved quickly. "I'm great! wanna... come... to the.... temple... and meet the.... crystal... gems?!" I had waited patiently before nodding my head, giving him a thumbs up as a compliment for using sign language.

He cheered as he dragged me across the sand, stopping quickly to scoop his sandals in hand.

"We just gotta climb those stairs." He pointed excitedly to the said set of stairs and began to ascend.

Steven pulled me up relatively quickly, pushing the front door open and allowing me to enter.

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" Steven yelled, "come meet (y/n)! She's here!" Three sets of feet began to shuffle their way towards us as Steven invited me to sit beside him on the couch.

I hesitantly did so as the three said feet arrived at their destination. They belonged to three women, you can say each a different person to the next.

One of them was quite tall and was rather pear shaped, she had black hair that was in the shape of a cube and a set of shades that hid her eyes.

The other was fairly tall but not as tall as the first. She was pale in skin tone and had peach like hair, pulled back into a rather gravity defying do.

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